By Anonymous - 27/02/2010 03:01 - United States

Today, I went to the park with my friend and we decided to swing. While we were swinging, we decided to jump off backwards. All would have worked out fine if my pants hadn't gotten caught on the metal of the swing, leaving my bare butt exposed. The man who was in the park with his daughter left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 230
You deserved it 23 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

garuru 4

today i was in the park with my daughter and some kid on the swing jumped off with his pants off. FML

"I went to the park and we decided to swing"... for some reason that wasn't the "swinging" I was thinking of...


Rofl @ first I thought the other type of swinging. then it crossed my mind that you didn't.

it turns out those two werent your client? go figure.

adriiana1019 0

ahhh mannn I would have killed to see this!!

Only in Jesey. And that little girl wasn't the mans daughter. jk that sucks but at least only one person you know saw it happen. And they can always be taken care of....

Jrook 0

#6 fails so hard he/she/it has to be republican

mmmyeahsaraa 0

noooo theyre just from jersey so they got to be semi-retarded lmao

wow that's not steriotypical at all. so are you proud at how our country is turning out?

I don't get it...does the OP wish the man and his daughter had stayed?

FYLDeep 25

I hope she didn't ride her bike there

Blondie08_fml 0


varkey 7

#83 i was thinking the same thing

OP did u really wanted him to stay and watch?

"I went to the park and we decided to swing"... for some reason that wasn't the "swinging" I was thinking of...

OmgGuessWhatChic 0
Felendris 0

suppressed: you look like a queer from my school. except you have longer hair -_- lol

this would be a win if their was a hot guy like me around. ;)

CustomFerrari 0

he looks like this kid named gabe I went to school with

jerseystreetking 0

he probably had somewhere else to be

boyguydudemalema 0

i agree, if i was the dad i'd stay and tell my daughter not to try crazy shiz like that or she'll end up like the op, or just laugh at ur missery. So yeah im pretty sure he was prolly about to leave anyways u just timed it wrong

GodBarack 5

Boy, you are stupid. Even if you didn't rip your pants, who knows what else could've happened?

garuru 4

today i was in the park with my daughter and some kid on the swing jumped off with his pants off. FML

MellowYelloe 0

Haha. I can fix that. Erm, being #10 is very special. Go you! >.>

YourEvilHero 12

jump off backwords I think it would be pretty hard

garuru 4

*cough* dumb **** who gets his panties in a twist over being corrected because he can't read a simple short anecdote *cough*

garuru - Intoxicunt's awesome and your attempt at an impromptu reverse FML like other people try to do in the comments was the worst I've ever seen. Go away.

cincyboy 0

poor little girl she's probobly blind now

garuru 4

first of all **** is a bitch second of all all of you can suck my 12 inch dick. peace out mouther *******!

You, erm... You missed that decimal point between the 1 and the 2... Don't feel bad about it; everyone makes mistakes...

garuru 4

yea im not the dyslexic one you are ohh you made the mistake of knocking that girl up and leaving her. you are a douchbag

The man must've thought it was a park for the mentally disabled, so he left.

I know in England, underwear is sometimes called "pants". They may be where orphinz got confused.