By xxxdwangelaxxx - 18/04/2009 21:08 - United States

Today, I went swinging with my friend at the park. Seeing a few cute guys playing basketball, I tried to act cute, laughing loudly and letting my hair fly all over the place. Just as they look over the swing broke. I fell on my face, my jeans sliding down, mooning them. They laughed hysterically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 127
You deserved it 34 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohhhhshizzz 0

Dude the first, first not to call first. #1 youre awesome:) Bahaha, and you know what you kind of deserved that. laughing loud is obnoxious. you should have just acted normal, or even went over and watched them play there are easier ways straight forward that get you noticed., but your life is ****** up too.

FML has taught me to never try and impress people because bad stuff happens to you when you do. Also, I LOVE swings. You can never be too old!


xSceneSceneBabyx 0
b_boy_cris100 0

u deserved that but... i got respect for u... at least u tried.

Bend_over 4

OP: I bet if you weren't laughing obnoxiously, they would have came over there, and helped you up. Next time wear a belt.

good try, but you shouldve acted yourself. kinda funny that you mooned'em though.

wow, you acting stupid isn't gonna attract any guys. karma's a bitch. ****.

Greg73_fml 0

How is laughing loudly cute? Annoying if anything.

that swing know that the best way to look cute is to show some skin, that is why it broke.

GLiTTeRz 0

you must be black because only black girls are loud

how is it cute by laughing loudly? ;l