By ash - 18/05/2016 20:00 - United States - Winnebago

Today, I went shopping on my only day off. The only aisle open was self-checkout. I'm a cashier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 980
You deserved it 1 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think this was just meant to be a sarcastic little Fml and it made me laugh. Quit looking for some deeper meaning people.

Vegnas 13

The term for this is "Busman's Holiday" because the bus driver will most likely need to ride the bus to wherever s/he is going.


They are a cashier on their day off. Self check out means you are your cashier. They did their job on their day off.

That or is OP shopping at the place they work at and the store didn't have a replacement for OP's day off so they just let a self-checkout be open!

#29, you do know what a self checkout is, right?

megs925 16

Honestly that's how I read it at first.

At least you can go at your own pace?

If there is a line then y dont u wait, unless u mean that the only aisle that u can go to check out is self checkout

The FML clearly states "The only aisle open was self-checkout"...

I think this was just meant to be a sarcastic little Fml and it made me laugh. Quit looking for some deeper meaning people.

I don't see why this was posted... If it's the only aisle open use it d

cheshirecat13242 32

Maybe you're the store's only cashier?

Vegnas 13

The term for this is "Busman's Holiday" because the bus driver will most likely need to ride the bus to wherever s/he is going.

My boyfriend made me take us through the self-checkout one day. I'm also a cashier.

I am a cashier and i mostly go through self checkout... Its no big deal

kingdomgirl94 29

I prefer self-checkout. It's not the scanning that I hate about my job, it's the crappy idle chitchat I have to make while working. Self checkout cuts that out and I can get my shit and go!