Student Hell

By Anonymous - 30/10/2019 04:00

Today, I'm studying in another city. My tutor hates me because of my looks and accent. I have no friends, computer or internet outside of uni. I live in a room I rent at an old couple's house. Due to a flimsy door, I hear everything they do or say, and vice versa. I can't move from the bed. If I do, their dog, who guards my door, starts barking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 234
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geniusness 6

Make friends with the dog - lose an obstacle and gain a friend in one move.

bullsonyourface 20

any chance you can look into getting another tutor? sorry you got a douchy one. also, start bonding with the dog, and come out of your room and offer to cook the couple you're renting from dinner, and see if they can help you adjust to the city a little better. shit maybe they can tutor you


EmDizzle2007 28

seriously. nothing could be worth that... cept maybe a million bucks. but, the price for the stables alone would bankrupt you several times over.

geniusness 6

Make friends with the dog - lose an obstacle and gain a friend in one move.

bullsonyourface 20

any chance you can look into getting another tutor? sorry you got a douchy one. also, start bonding with the dog, and come out of your room and offer to cook the couple you're renting from dinner, and see if they can help you adjust to the city a little better. shit maybe they can tutor you

should be hard. there's lots of student study groups and tutors for courses run by students for free on a lot of campuses. as for the room, op shoulda probably seen that coming. own place or roommates is the way to go.

There's a saying, "This too shall pass" It is just a moment in time, it sucks but hold fast! Don't let the ignorance surrounding you bring you down. This experience will make you stronger and greatly increase your appreciation for the life you are building. I'm sorry you have to live it now, but it sounds like you've got it!! Best of luck🌻

i8cake 12

while unfortunate, it sounds temporary and aspects of it within your control to change! get off the bed and make things happen!

E2dav 5

You are in social isolation, which is bad for your menatl and physical health. Change tutors, go & buy your own laptop (get a job, borrow $$ whatever you need to do) and join a group to make friends

Hang tough my friend, this too will pass and you will be more resilient for future challenges that life will throw at you...🤪

Last time I checked, a tutor was someone who was paid to additionally teach you. Snap this asshole back or fire them, pretty sure there's someone decent out there who will do it. As for the dog, either make friends or make it leave you alone, paying for a room means an expected level of privacy.