By sushi hater - 13/03/2011 18:55 - United States

Today, I went out for some very expensive sushi. Two hours later, I found myself on the toilet, violently voiding my bowels. I essentially paid to have liquid orange shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 490
You deserved it 7 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's good

chanel8711 0

orange liquid shit? you must have eaten too much fish called escolar. they have oils that we cant properly digest so you can only eat a very small amount of it. ydi for not knowing what you ordered.


You should go to school with some 7th grader and be his science project, an upside down volcano with smelly orange lava

And people wonder why I'm not interested in tasting raw fish.

not interested in tasting raw Fish or sushi.?

For once I didn't see " haha a shitty situation"! *Happy Face*

This happens EVERY time I eat sushi...

then its an elergy, or you had sushi once and are just an idiot

bugmefmlnotnow 7

All sushi comes from the same place, restaurants market different sushi types (to mark up the price) yet its the same crap you can get at a cheap restaurant. ydi

I would pay top dollar to have explosive orange *****! that sounds like a moving experience to me!

my understanding of food poisoning is that it takes about a day or more to take effect. so ydi because it is likely the fault of your own cooking