By Anonymous - 19/07/2009 12:44 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a girl. She drove while texting someone, then stopped at a house and told me to wait in the car. She left her phone so I looked at the last text and it said, "I'm here for the quicky." Our "date" was a decoy to throw her mom off so she could sleep with another guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 239
You deserved it 4 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

palmtrees 1

please tell me you left her there.

Why the FML? You have blackmail. And you should have called her mother right then and there.


#23, blackmailing someone into having sex with you is rape. Besides, why would OP want to have sex with a girl who used him to have sex with someone else? Nasty. FYL, OP. Hope you find a nice girl soon.

I'd have texted her mom what she was doing, then run over her phone with her car and then disconnected the battery so she'd be freaking out that her car wouldn't start.

stupiidx3 0

FYL. if i was you i would have drove off and took her phone. then text the mom telling her that she stranded at that guy's home !

that sux big time. if she left her phone she prob left her keys so you should drive to her house and tell her mom... but ydi for looking at her phone just because she left it. I would be soo mad if my bf took my phone and looked at my texts just because I left it around... actually I would be mad if anyone looked at my texts without asking otherwise its a dick move. I have a feeling this has an obvious answer but what does op stand for?

Hope you forwarded the texts to her mother's phone. FYL, indeed.

Baroness542 6

OP stands for original poster

Baroness542 6

OP stands for original poster (Also - sorry if this posts multiple times, but I "commented too quickly" and my computer glitched and was being stupid. Time for a new computer)

Wow, I'm sorry, but that's ridiculously sneaky. Though, if I were you, I would honestly be a prick and tell her mom. That's the best [legal] way I can think of getting back at her. And, yeah, ditch her. Sorry dude.

blehx 0

maybe she didn't mean a 'quickie'. she spelt it 'quicky'. maybe 'quicky' is a duck. or a stuffed toy. i think.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that she didnt walk out of the house with some stuffed animal lol!