By Username - 03/02/2011 18:27 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a guy, who decided to rudely text message his friend the whole time. When I got home, I realized he'd been texting the girl he was going to hookup with after our date; she happens to be my roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 281
You deserved it 3 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did your friend know you were out with him?

What an ass. Hopefully it won't work out between your roommate and him, because it would suck to have to see him that often.


did your friend know you were out with him?

xxxNataliexxx 0

wouldn't she of known you were with him? lmfaoo wow

What an ass. Hopefully it won't work out between your roommate and him, because it would suck to have to see him that often.

Doesn't he know that you have got to keep your ladies in different area codes?

yeeeaaahhh like you ever had that soo stfu dude. seriously!.

carnage1106 0

Apparently you didn't tickle his fancy.

IHeartJimi02 0

Sorry op. It just shows that he wasn't that into you. It was very rude of him but at least you know the type of person he is. Better luck next time.

perdix 29

How did he get a date with her if he was "rudely text messag(ing)" her? Most girls like to be sweet-talked before they hook up, not insulted. I guess some girls really do like the bad boys.

rockyraccoon28 8

that's what I thought when I read too. OP, don't feel bad. he's a jerk. there's an example for you right there, he's rude to girls. you don't need him.

ballar429 0

I think they meant that he was being rude by texting during the date... not texting rude things to the roommate.... confused me for a minute too though

Jesterful009 0

is that a fake profile picture??

was your roomate a guy by chance, that would make this situation slightly better. Sounds like your roomate is a cow if she was interested in this guy and let you go on a date with him. i say screw them both. If your roomate gets around alot you might wanna check with him or her before going on any dates just in case.

Gladthatsnotme23_fml 0

Well that's what happens when ur the ugly friend