By Anonymous - 19/07/2009 12:44 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a girl. She drove while texting someone, then stopped at a house and told me to wait in the car. She left her phone so I looked at the last text and it said, "I'm here for the quicky." Our "date" was a decoy to throw her mom off so she could sleep with another guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 239
You deserved it 4 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

palmtrees 1

please tell me you left her there.

Why the FML? You have blackmail. And you should have called her mother right then and there.


You should've driven back to her house, leaving her with no car, then told her mom, with the guy's name and address. Or driven her mom to the guy's house.

lmao, ive done tht to so manyy guys!! its soo funny cuz they never actually find out! :)

Congratulations! You just won the ***** of the day award! Seriously, GTFO.

dumdeedum 0

this is so stupid. even if readin her text is wrong it dusnt mean he diserved it. it seems a bit not beliavable though cuz whats the point in textin someone sayin 'im here for the quickie'. u wud just say 'im here'

That sucks! Good for you, you followed your intuition and read the cell phone. But I hope to god you left her there. Shes sounds like a sperm dumpster, you know, a ***** :) Girls that does does something like this have no respect so cut the crap about not reading other peoples text messages ...

At least you found out she's a ***** right away.

you should have driven her car into a tree and left her mom a text where she was

ShatteredColors 0

this is one of those 'Ignorance is bliss' situations. aha. but i guess its good you found out! FYL

sorry bout your date. that's awful. but in this case....YDI for invading someones privacy.