By sarahh38 - 16/09/2009 18:23 - Canada

Today, I went on a blind date. We had agreed on meeting in front of a park. Thinking I was there first, I texted her "I'm already there, sitting next to the fat chick." I heard a beep. SHE was the "fat chick." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 165
You deserved it 105 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if that wasn't her, did you think insulting somebody would make you look cool?

You're an ass. Even if she wasn't fat, she probably would have found that offensive. You should've just told her that you were there. If you weren't attracted to her, you aren't obligated to make a second date but you don't have to be rude.


masterofoverkill 0

in the words of the late, great Freddie Mercury. "Fat Bottom girls you make the rockin' world go round"

DuhthatsObvious 0

#8 and #23, ILY... OP your life is ******!

moonlight_daze 8

The OP wins for being so utterly oblivious to his rudeness and insensitivity. Such obliviousness is quite a feat if I do say so myself! :D

Fat people need to lose weight, they can help it if their fat it's called stop eating fast food and get off their lazy ass. There's no need to be fat, so. Don't feel bad for them. But that sucks for you that's when you run and pretend you never were suppose to meet her. :)

Miss_Jessie12 0

Its funny how most of the conversation is a bash on fat people. Are you all really that insecure with yourselves you have to make fun of other people? Seriously... (and she was probably to good for you anyway...)

I eat healthily, exercise regularly and am still overweight. Why don't you get off your high horse and stop judging others? I hope your metabolism slows right down, it would be good for you to have to actually watch what you eat.