By Anonymous - 23/08/2009 02:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I punched the air enthusiastically after getting an impossible question right. Unfortunately, above me was an old fashioned mole trap, with 6 small spikes and 2 large ones. I now have 6 puncture wounds in my hand, and two in my shoulder, as it fell off the hook it was hanging on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 028
You deserved it 7 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sarawr 0

Am I the only one who is curious as to where the OP was that there was an old fashioned mole trap above him, and that he was answering a bunch of impossible questions? If anybody could offer any clarification I'd appreciate it. x3 ...otherwise it sounds like a weird gameshow.

That whole situation is alien to me. I can't even figure out where you were that you "got a question right" underneath a mole trap. I've never even seen or heard of a mole trap before. Kudos to you for blowing my mind.


Lol, fail. And if I'm not wrong, second :) Cause this is obviously a race...the silver medal is still okay.

oh, you can have the gold medal if you'd like it:o)

Yes! This is the best thing that's happened today.

If that's the best thing that happened to you today, then fyl.

Well actually it was 12:32 AM when I got that message. So yes, for those 32 minutes, it WAS the best thing that has happened.

sarawr 0

Am I the only one who is curious as to where the OP was that there was an old fashioned mole trap above him, and that he was answering a bunch of impossible questions? If anybody could offer any clarification I'd appreciate it. x3 ...otherwise it sounds like a weird gameshow.

Gameshow? Never thought of that. I can think of one that fits the situation though: Distraction (hosted by Jimmy Carr). But I don't think it still airs.

I was wondering the exact same thing

skybeau 0

That's exactly what I was thinking... It seems like a pretty weird thing to happen: "Sit under this mole trap while I ask you difficult questions." It's not exactly a normal part of the school environment. Ah well, I think the gameshow idea is better :)

I'm trying to picture it in my mind, and all I can think about is watching like... Jeopardy in some sort of log cabin. Or, yes, some kind of terrifying gameshow.

lol yeah spin the wheel of death and shit

I thought of Matilda when i read this actually. Like he was in that deathroom with all the spikes and the principal had come in and asked him some impossible question

#9 "sit under this mole trap while i ask you difficult questions" FUNNY STUFF MOFO

haha #9 I love that quote "sit under this mole trap while I ask you difficult questions" that made my day, I can't stop laughing cause it's so true!

>111 its funny because they've already passed that. they're on what VI or VII?

111, you realize that IIIII isn't a roman numeral right? Its just a bunch of I's. Roman numerals are I II III IV V VI VII VIII. I don't remember what 10 is so I can't go past 8.

ObsessedWithGays 7

I'm a second year Latin student, so we use Roman numerals often. Nine (novem) is IX, ten (decem) is X, and so on.

Wrong. In the movie it was called "The Chokey."

That whole situation is alien to me. I can't even figure out where you were that you "got a question right" underneath a mole trap. I've never even seen or heard of a mole trap before. Kudos to you for blowing my mind.


WHO WAS MOLE TRAP? And why was it hanging up? That's no way to catch moles :D

Moles live in the ground why would there be a mole trap ABOVE you? Unless you were in a mole's hole in which case it still doesn't make sense that you would be answering questions in there. OR MAYBE your a mole person!!!!

Lol if it was an antique...or old fashioned they wouldn't still be using it. They had it there for decoration?

decoration? "gee what nice mole trap!" "Well thank you!"

haha "now sit under it while I ask you difficult questions"

What the ****? Were you playing Trivial Pursuit in some old lady's attic?

xd0rkiee 0

YDI for punching the air. Wtf?