By elmangy - 11/08/2009 16:58 - United States

Today, I went ice skating for my friend's birthday. We had to vacate the skating rink so that they could smooth out the rink for the next session. I don't know how to skate and my friends left me. Not only was I the last one out of the rink, but I had to crawl my way out with everyone laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 829
You deserved it 5 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some friends. If I were you, I would have just faked a seizure and voided my bowels on the ice rink so that I would not only make my friends feel bad, but I would ruin the experience for everyone.

OMG, that's really funny! OP that sucks, hope you laughed though xD


omfg the same thing happened to me when i went ice skating for my birthday. :o weird...

Join the club, babe. This happens a lot more to people than everyone thinks it does. :P Same thing happened to me, a guy working there had to help me get out while I wobbled all over. T_T

OMG, that's really funny! OP that sucks, hope you laughed though xD

StingMunFizzy 0

No it really isn't funny.. **** your friends, get better ones.

singerguy18 0

this exact thing happened to me only i fell and couldnt get up so i had to crawl...

YDI for not knowing what a Zamboni is.. and not knowing how to skate.

Ryu148 0

And I suppose you came out of your mother's womb with skates stapped on and proceeded to skate around the hospital? Everyone has to learn how to do something, and this guy was trying to learn.

Hoax_fml 0

Or saying that you need to xerox something instead of copy it. Oh wait, those are all examples of totally legitimate vernacular.

actually, there are lots of skating rinks that still have ice in the summer. How do you think hockey players practice? By playing ball hockey? I doubt it. They also keep them open for summer camp activities when not being used by hockey players (professional or not). Ok, this wasn't the one I wanted to reply to...but that one seems to have disappeared O.o

mylifeis_so_f_ed, There are just... so many things wrong with that statement. First, I don't think the OP wants to miss her friend's birthday party just because she didn't know how to skate. How is she supposed to learn if she doesn't? Second, there are lots of skating rinks that still have ice in the summer. How do you think hockey players practice? They also have private skating lessons in the summer.

haha theres not a lot more humbling, than crawling on your knees to get somewhere cuz you suck at skating... other than having to do that naked, why would you take all of your clothes off in the middle of the rink anyway? thats dumb ydi for taking all your clothes off especially when you knew you can't skate that well, why? it doesn't make sense, well hopefully nobody was getting a hard on for you and if they were good for you. but seriously ydi thats dumb

lol. I just pictured that. It's hilarious. But FYL, hope you don't go through that again.

You were lucky that when you were bent over like that you didn't get Zamboned.

Some friends. If I were you, I would have just faked a seizure and voided my bowels on the ice rink so that I would not only make my friends feel bad, but I would ruin the experience for everyone.

Awesome idea, except you'd have to go home like that. Great idea either way.

That sucks. Next time, leave your friends somewhere without any way of getting back. Let them see how funny that is.

Lucky I know how to skate so this doesn't happen. Poor you. FYL...crawling on the ice? ****...