By crushed dreams - 16/06/2011 06:20 - United States

Today, I went from a party where both of my girlfriends decided to show, to a hospital bed with no girlfriends and a painful left testicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 529
You deserved it 244 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You totally deserved it. There is nothing more to be said. Hopefully you'll now have learned the importance of words like 'respect', 'loyalty', 'love' and 'peoplewhocheatdeservetobekickedintheballs'.


StormGirl142 24

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I completely agree There is no reason to say FYL here. YDI completely op. Just be thankful you still have testicles at all.

1 don't you mean don't get caught and it wouldn't happen? JK but OP does deserve it though.

Agiggleaday 0

I just love how OP complains! Does he seriously think we'll feel sorry for him?!

19. exactly! OP, you're a moron ydi they should have ripped your balls off

25 but if there was no YDI FML's then FML would be pretty depressing. Not funny at all.

this sounds slot like the icarly and victorious thing

37 Yup because at the end of the episode his left nut is crushed and he goes to the hospital too right? A guy dating two girls and both finding out happen a lot. iCarly and Victorious just made it to an episode.

Moral of the story: don't cheat unless you wanna get ******* hurt..ydi OP, I don't even get why guys cheat. If you have a girlfriend you should love her and actually care for her instead of going to every other girl and saying it. Smh .____.

who says he was in an exclusive relationship with them? it never mentions that. a guy can have multiple girlfriends. nowadays it's not as common but it was very common 50 years ago.

62 I thought at the end you might change it and say everyone hates math and cheats on it in once in a while, but it's another weird comment of yours. Sorry.

60- ... really? If you're going to have a non-exclusive or "open" relationship as some would call it, that's something you talk about with your partner. If they had this, then the girls wouldn't have been mad, because they would have known that he was sleeping with other girls too. Come on. Think.

luis420 0

there's a saying in Spanish when translated to English means "eyes that don't see, heart that doesn't feel"

Agiggleaday 0

ojos que no ven, corazon que no siente.

I am surprised you still have your left ********. You don't deserve it.

74 it's okay. But I did get called a troll though. -_-

ryanreers 0

Ronnie, I have to say that you are extremely beautiful :)

Do you guys realize that he might be in the hospital because of major damage to his ********(s)? I don't think that's fair punishment for cheating.

no65438 0

WTF, that's what you get! ******* player...

My boyfriend's away on work right now. All my friends are out of town (term just finished and most students don't stay at uni for the summer). I'm lonely. I miss having the company of another human being. It's never occurred to me to cheat while my boyfriend's away. You know why? Because I'm not a selfish bitch. If you're tired of one relationship, end it and start a new one. Don't lie to one person and get your rocks off with another. It's a horrible thing to do.

Actually 120, he clearly states that he IS in the hospital. He hurt 2 girls who didn't deserve it for his own selfish reasons, and since he is obviously unable to feel remorse, they hurt him in the only way they could; by kicking him in the nuts.

Actually, I'm pretty sure getting hit in the nuts hurts more physically. Also, as another comment said, he's in the hospital, most likely because of major damage, possibly life lasting. Yes, he was selfish. Also, if I'm not mistaken, that technically could be counted as assault on the girls' part. I am NOT trying to condone what he has done.

IvyLee_fml 1

you need, hoes. hoes. in different area codes :P

tweetbaby14 18

you're right, 120, it's not fair. they should have cut off both testicles with a dull, rusty knife. that seems more appropriate. :)

I agree that op deserved something, but putting him in the hospital with testicular pain. Ladies that's a little extreme. Maybe just a punch in the face next time?

120 - So it's not fair for him to get kicked in the balls, but it's totally fair for him to cheat on two girls? Emotional pain lasts way longer than physical pain. Cause and effect. Learn in bitch.

eyez_lay_low1921 0

bitches these days.... i swear!! -_-

they obviously didn't agree to an open relationship

if dey tuch muh bawls i wud slap dey poon openin HARD cuz i dnt play dat ish

0opsie 6

200 - Yeah, because if a girl cheated on a guy and broke his heart I'm sure you'd be just fine with him punching her in the face. You know, since physical pain isn't as bad as emotional pain?

can't you talk in ****** proper English you ******* half wit?

212- can't you talk in ******* english you ******* half-wit?

so if my girlfriend cheats on me I can put her in the hospital, that's cool with all you right? seems like it. cheating is a terrible thing to do to someone but it does not warrant physical violence.

your lucky, where I'm from you would no longer have a penis at all

120 I say that both testicles should have been hurt, there is in fact, 2 girls. One for each nut.

there were two girls, why only one painful ********?

Crazy4Christ 0

cat: he didn't say I couldn't siiiiing

So according to most of you, you're saying that if I ever catch a girlfriend cheating, I should put her the hospital. I'll be sure to do that.

So according to most of you, you're saying that if I ever catch a girlfriend cheating, I should put her the hospital. I'll be sure to do that.

you're lucky you only have one sore ********. girlfriend number two should have taken care of the other.

olpally 32

agreed 1.. why would he put this on fml?? he totally ******* deserved it!! he just wants attention because he's a selfish asshole.. I hope they kick him in the stones again and put him back in the hospital when he gets out...

so if my girl cheats I can do severe damage to her reproductive system and hospitalise her and just be like she deserved it?

tjv3 10

you should not have cheated, BUT that isn't a reason for them to damage your junk. you should press charges on them, and then sue their asses for the medical bills.

tjv3 10

after reading through some of the comments the women on here should be ok with a guy putting his cheating gf in the hospital then. oh wait no that would then be called abuse. f@&k the double standard.

Farankusu 0

What have we all been reminded? Double standards, are pointless and warrant nothing more than "Class S" two-faced actions. A, proper Chrono Prison laser to erase the 2 girls from existence would suffice. But, cheating is wrong. But, certain individuals need some rage management.

hell yeah! your just stupid for trying that!

KLern 0

I cheated on a bf in the past, should he be allowed to hurt me to the point of being hospitalized? all bitches need to cool it with the double standards. I'm with you OP, FYL and I hope your nuts feel better.

I agree not saying that cheating is good but if you were in his situation would you wanna get sent to the hospital ya didn think so

I agree not saying cheating is good but if you were in his situation would u want to get sent to the hospital ya didn't think so

hatepineapple 14

Okay, so if I ever catch my girlfriend cheating, me and the guy she was cheating on should hold her down and punch her into the ovaries until she's in so much pain, she needs to go the the hospital? Cause her physical damage, medical bills, and possible infertility? Yes, the guy was a complete jackass, but if the genders were reversed would this be acceptable? What ever happened to woman equality? Equality means EQUAL, not MORE THAN.

I agree, I think that it has become a nature of people to cheat. though it is a very bad one, it still happens :p

This is a perfect example of differences between sexes! Guy cheats on girl, guy gets put in a hospital. Girl cheats on guy, he doesn't ******* put her in a hospital. Good day to you.

Whoa whoa whoa. I understand that these girls have every right to retaliate for his behavior but putting him in the hospital is not appropriate. A slap, maybe. Even a good hard kick in the shins. But hitting him in the nads that hard isn't appropriate. that could cause permanent damage, and while OP is a douchenozzle, he doesn't deserve to be hospitalized.

AngryNinja 1

300.. that gave me a headache and I still don't comprehend what you tried to say.

you are the stupidest **** anyone could meet

I bet you cheat all the time, from what you have as your display picture, you obviously love attention.

You deserve it, f*cking a**hole. You were lucky, if it was me I would have left you without balls

I believe that a if a woman hits a man than a man has a right to defend himself just as equally as if a woman defended herself against a man. Us women wanted equality afterall. Op was stupid for cheating but they shouldnt have put him in the hospital. Sorry just my opinion. :/

eminem3 2

wow i read the comments on here and women these days are real doucshe bags. yeah,what he did was wrong, but he didn't deserve that. if a girl were to cheat and a guy put her in the hosptial then people would be calling him a doucshe. i hate double standards and sexist bitches !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eminem3 2

wow i read the comments on here and women these days are real doucshe bags. yeah,what he did was wrong, but he didn't deserve that. if a girl were to cheat and a guy put her in the hosptial then people would be calling him a doucshe. i hate double standards and sexist b!tches !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

douche... it's guys like you who deserve that. I've been cheated on and it sucks. well, maybe you'll think about it before you cheat next time...

The ****** deserves it. I hope he learned his lesson, and hope he loses that left ******** for what he did to those poor girls. >.< no no...wait...BOYS like him make me feel embarrassed to be part of the male species. T.T Why must a lot of guys be total assholes and pigs. It's simply immature and disgusting. -Shakes head and sighs.- Sometimes I wish I knew why.

I agree, you totally asked for it! Got what u deserved.

tweetbaby14 18

maybe if people had been treating each other equally from the start there would be no need for double standards... also all this "what if it was a woman who cheated?" well, let's see.... women who cheat are hurt emotionally they're called ******, ***** and skanks until the cows come home. women cause men physical pain when they feel they deserve it and men cause women mental/ emotional pain which is, in my opinion, much worse than any hospital bill because it can drive you to to inflict the three pains on yourself and/or others for any amount of time. an example: my aunt was cheated on by my obvious douche of an uncle. now she takes it out on her kids by screwing over their lives. one of my cousins is going to be a freshman this year and she has a first grade reading level, and the other can't get a good job because her mother claimed she was crazy so her high school classes would be easier. and she did this because she believes it's their fault he left in the first place. see? that's 3 lives he's run into the ground because he decided to be an asshole. cheaters suck, and no matter what their gender, they deserve and often times do get pain. there's my essay.

HunterAlpha1 8

@#120 actually, i believe it is.

DeadxManxWalking 27

they both should are crushed a ********. 1 for cheating. and the other for being a ********

fthku 13

Tweetbaby, I don't usually call people names here, but are you an idiot? 1. Saying double standards are OK because in the past women were below men by law OK, yeah, it happened. Blacks, Jews and many others were also persecuted. That doesn't mean that as a Jew I have any more rights than a non-Jew. Two wrongs don't make a right, the wrongs of the past shouldn't affect anyone in the present. Going by this, I could beat you up for something your great grandma did to my great grandma. 2. Are you trying to say men don't go through emotional pain if they get cheated on? Oh, but if they do, then DO we get to beat the crap out of women who cheat on us? 3. "women who cheat are hurt emotionally they're called ******, ***** and skanks until the cows come home". Guys get called all sorts of things as well, as you can see in this FML. Your messed up view is basically "Women get called ******, so when guys cheat we can severely damage them, hospitalize them and break the law" 4. Your AUNT is the one ruining her kids' lives, and you're blaming the uncle? I'm sorry, but that is moronic logic. You even said "taking it out on the kids" and you're saying it's his fault? yeah, he's a douchebag for cheating on your aunt. That does not excuse her ruining her kids' life.

^^^^ BOOM goes the dynamite. get owned tweetbaby

xGraycloud 4

1- Damn, that's a LOT of thumbs up! (:

you are a ******* asshole who says you have the right to go around calling girls bitches?! never been laid? yes I think so.

maddy23a 5

469, cause if someone has never had sex that makes them an asshole? or maybe they respect others and themselves more than the assholes that girls like you seem to love and cry about afterwards. I guarantee that in almost every situation where a girl gets screwed over there's good guys that she SHOULD be with that knew it was coming the whole time but that girl would rather be with a dick.

SilverSnowWolf 1

for every girl who think he deserved it, you are ******* stupid ass bitches and the guy who cheated isnt any better you bring humanity to shame by thinking you can solve a bad deed by doing another bad deed it doesnt matter if its emotional pain or physical pain, you shouldnt be hurting anyone at all

true dat!!! why cheat. it's senseless!!!

#295 I would actually like to wish op good luck finding a judge, jury, etc that will take his side. "I broke both of their hearts, but they kicked my nut."

at least its just pain and u still have ur nuts ydi tho

Yeah, you can't just go around fornicatin' with two women who don't know you're cheating on them OP. I don't get why people like this don't believe in karma

All these ugly ass bitches are saying you did wrong, it was just bad luck that they both showed up, better luck next time bud

SW500 13

Sue them! Cheating isn't right, but assault isn't the correct answer. I'd have fought back. Just saying.

Der, he obviously is too much of a heartless bastard to feel emotional pain so that's why they whacked him in the balls. He's obviously been thinking with his downstairs brain!

By the looks of your pic you got testicles too haha!!

Incredibly_Dope 0

How can you hurt your left ******** and not your right?

Holy shit this comment has alot of thumbs up.

guyfawke 5

so what happened to the other ********? it went AWOL?

I find that the left ******** is often the one that takes hits. No ******* clue why though.

Left ******** takes hits because most people are right-handed, so they punch what's on their right, which is OP's left ********.

cryssycakesx3 22
br00kr 22

for real, I've been cheated on. Twice. It sucks and most women don't tolerate it.

It could have been worse. Your right ******** could have been hurt instead!

too bad it's only one, he deserves to have both hurt

it could have been worse, they could have both found each other tolerable and invites you upstairs to make your wildest fantasies come true- Oh wait- this is the real world. Wake the **** up!

lilxsexii 4

swimchica, your picture is adorable. :)

He could have no testicles... or one. I'd be grateful.

He got off pretty lucky with this one, he should be grateful. Whatta douche bag.

Or they could have left OP w/only one ********...kudos to his ex-girlfriends 

I have family in Perth. love to visit some day.

Wow you guys are monsters, I agree that cheating is wrong but that is no reason to send him to the hospital, and I'm sure if it were a girl posting on here that she cheated on a guy and he found out and punched her till she bleed all over the floor and got sent to the hospital, you would be calling the GUY a douche bag.

13yearoldboy 0

hey 376 I completely ****** agree bro. girls don't ****** get it. it's like a girl cheatin on me and I rip off her tit and say that's what u get bitch. difference is they'd still hate me. also, we now know that so many more women use fml. I wonder why... lolololol

CaligurlLULU 0

there's a difference. when a guy hits a woman over 18 it's against the law called ABUSE while it's not for a woman b/c we aren't that strong. a girl deserves a hit for cheating I agree but not by a man. every read?! you know, man gets angry, really strong, out of hand, boom planning funeral. see the logic yet?!?!

Incredibly_Dope 0

Exactly... Double standard all the way

to 526- bullshit. A woman who hits a man should get the same punishments a man would. Strength doesn't change the fact that assault is a criminal offense, and neither does being a woman.

What happened to that "equal protection under law" you guys fought so hard for?

I wouldn't, and I'm a chick. Cheating is ******* stupid. If you aren't happy, then ******* leave! Cheaters deserve to get beaten.

JohnForge 13

You have NO LOGIC. Women and Men are both capable of being tough.

JohnForge 13

So, men should beat chicks when they cheat? Oh wait, men can be sent to prison for that? Oh well lucky you.

OP deserves no sympathy from us. Karma is a bitch, and by cheating on two girls, you just put yourself in Karma's dunktank.

johnson94 5

if it was me, id cut off your testicles & have you eat it jerk!

Grammar_Nazi101 0

Sorry, OP. You sound like an idiot. I have 3 girlfriends and I still haven't gotten caught. And ya know what...? It ain't cheating unless you get caught.

jackiemoonthepro 5

I hear a painful left nut, not a threesome

grammar Nazi stop lying u dnt have ANY girlfriends

being a dumbass is dangerous for what used to be your future children

13yearoldboy 0

why the balls damn. when girls break up with guys we don't punch u in the tit then tittytwist u. and that doesn't even compare to the pain us guys feel. I mean like come on

You totally deserved it. There is nothing more to be said. Hopefully you'll now have learned the importance of words like 'respect', 'loyalty', 'love' and 'peoplewhocheatdeservetobekickedintheballs'.

Stop making up words. On second thought, nevermind. I like that one.

HansHansen 8

So what if a girl cheats? "peoplewhocheatdeserveapuntinthecunt", eh?

fmlwinnn 0

28- it actually doesn't hurt as much if girls are kicked there. it should be more like agirlwhocheatsdeservestobepunchedinbothtitties.

Getting kicked in the boobs doesn't hurt as much as you would like to think. A woman's pelvic bone is sensitive though. You kick her in the crotch it's gonna hurt her almost as much as it would hurt a guy.

thrfunnyryguy 0

6 your profile picture disturbs me

There is nothing more to be said *keeps on talking*

chillinAK 9

Actually Citrus, if a girl is punched hard enough in the right spot, it could bring on lasting effects that are quiet painful

no65438 0

wtf, it's called a space button. You should learn to use one. :)

123, if they had used a space button, then it wouldn't have been ONE word. The more you know... And Citrus, actually it hurts a lot to be hit in the boob. A LOT.

yes 128 anyone who cheats deserves to be physically hurt as they emotionally hurt someone else. Especially when it all could have been avoided with either a simple break up or even just not cheating at all!

fthku 13

It's too bad I have to disagree with you again Djeepee, for the most part I love your comments but I can't agree on this one. Before everything, OP is a complete douchebag. He definitely doesn't deserve a girlfriend until he decides to grow up and be a real man. But everyone who are saying he deserved getting kicked in the balls are either hypocrites who would say something else if the genders were reversed, or are just wrong. I'm not sure people are aware of how severely a guy can get hurt from a kick to the balls (just Google it) and how very *permanent* and extremely painful this can be. Like others have said, would it be OK for a guy to beat up his girlfriend for cheating? it IS in fact assault, he is in the hospital and so he's potentially in danger of a serious medical complication. I don't know why a lot of people think it's "cool" and OK for girls to hit on guys. A kick to the balls is a kick to the balls. They could have just slapped him very hard instead- conveys your feelings without possibly permanently harming a personrisking a lawsuit.

eminem3 2

nonononono. the only thing that hurts more than bein hit in the balls for a girl is their period. birth u dont feel a thing anymore with all of the medication that they give you. boobs and ****** combined don't hurt as much as being hit in the balls. there fore, the only thing that hurts as bad or more as being hit in the balls is periods. but sone guys get periods, also. so, it is really not fair at all girls are just complaining wimps.

eminem3 2

nonononono. the only thing that hurts more than bein hit in the balls for a girl is their period. birth u dont feel a thing anymore with all of the medication that they give you. boobs and ****** combined don't hurt as much as being hit in the balls. there fore, the only thing that hurts as bad or more as being hit in the balls is periods. but sone guys get periods, also. so, it is really not fair at all girls are just complaining wimps.

"I don't know why a lot of people think it's "cool" and OK for girls to hit on guys. A kick to the balls is a kick to the balls. They could have just slapped him very hard instead- conveys your feelings without possibly permanently harming a personrisking a lawsuit." Hmm, I have to agree with you. This FML made me just so mad at OP that I almost forgot that he was in a hospital bed. I think there is nothing wrong with a slap, or even a kick in the balls, but if it leads to a visit to the hospital, well, things have gone too far. Oh, and I have no double standard. If I cheat on my boyfriend, he has the permission to slap me. As long as I don't get completely beaten up...So yeah, you're right.

fthku 13

I know you are no hypocrite Djeepee, I was referring to most of the other people commenting. And like I said, even if (and that's a big if) they would still say the same like they claim, it'd still be wrong. Glad you agree with me, though I still have to say a kick to the balls should only be used in situations that require self defense. I'm guessing you meant a weak kick? Well, unfortunately, there is no such thing as a weak kick to the balls.

eminem3 2

ur fat. balls hurt so much worse.

402, my period makes me have migraines and causes my daily stomach pain to get to the point where I can't breathe without it hurting. I can't go to school or anything because absolutely no medicine or anything I've tried has helped at all. I've nearly gone to the hospital because of it and I'm going to the doctor next week to see why my period is this bad. Some girls just complain, but my period is insanely painful.

Are you my mummy? (Not relevant, but I've wanted to do that on all the posts you comment on...)

getfokinrektm8 9

No one deserves to be kicked in the balls :(

YDI for having two girlfriends at a time. Hope you learned your lesson!

based on the fact that he came crying to us on FML, no, he did not learn his lesson

jmtmxer 0

I'd have kicked you in both testicals and I'm a guy ydi

8 what about the middle one?... if you know what I mean.

He has testicles? cause it doesn't look like it

That's fortunate. You shouldn't be allowed to breed anyway.

kangaru1 0

I like the way u think. landing in the hospital w a painful ******** is kind of easy for him.

exactly my thoughts, op doesn't deserve his balls. what kind of little bitch cheats and then complains about getting the consequences.

It's a lot like saying "Today, I was shoplifting and I got caught, so they sent me to jail. FML". What did he think was going to happen?

I could have told you that it would end up like this....and hopefully that taught you a lesson

toxicmurder109 4

you deserved it and maybe next time u won't cheat!