Do nothing

By Anonymous - 03/02/2023 02:00

Today, I watched my manager take his entire in tray of customer complaints and tip them straight into the recycling without reading them. At least this explains why we are consistently the “best store in the region for customer satisfaction.” Now I don’t know what to do about what I saw FML
I agree, your life sucks 782
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tough call, I've seen so many business manipulate their metrics this seems normal. It's not even your bosses fault but the people above him creating a system that people feel the need to cheat and no checks to stop it.

Here's what you do: shut the **** up and play like you never saw it. Be glad you're working at a successful company.


Tough call, I've seen so many business manipulate their metrics this seems normal. It's not even your bosses fault but the people above him creating a system that people feel the need to cheat and no checks to stop it.

Here's what you do: shut the **** up and play like you never saw it. Be glad you're working at a successful company.

Sounds like the "best store in the region for customer satisfaction" is about to go viral on Yelp. Irate customers don't like being ignored.

Most of them were probably bullshit anyway. Don’t do anything.