By Anonymous - 18/07/2016 11:51 - Belgium

Today, my boss refused my resignation and acted like nothing had happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 113
You deserved it 1 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Garnetshaddow 30

I know it's probably a mistake... but I laughed when I saw this was under "intimacy" instead of "work."

You should talk to HR about it and make sure you make a paper trail.


Garnetshaddow 30

I know it's probably a mistake... but I laughed when I saw this was under "intimacy" instead of "work."

You should talk to HR about it and make sure you make a paper trail.

Wow. Hoping you work somewhere with a Human Resources area to speak, too, especially if you have leave they need to pay out. If not, you'll just have to make him listen.

Probably under the "intimacy" category because this person was intimate with the boss. And boss doesn't want to lose the office sex, so keeping you around. Maybe you'll get a raise!

Uh, no. More likely under intimacy due to OP accidentally making the wrong selection.

Shh 9, don't let petty things like truth get in the way of a juicy office rumour.

@9 Are you stupid or can you just not take a joke?

You must be a really excellent employee OP! So the boss, doesn't want to lose you, for fear of repurcussions on the company..

There are ways to establish this that are respectful of the resigning employee, like counter-offers. You don't get to just refuse a valid resignation.

Email your direct boss and their boss and/or HR. Save the sent copy. Then just don't go back.

msmedieval 11

This. Always document through email, & always CC the big boss.

I guess your just too valuable to let go :)

Wizardo 33

Boss: "I resign your resignation" OP: "I don't think that's how it wor..." Boss: "Shhh... Only employment now."

Your boss can't do that. You might have to stay for a few months before you can legally leave, but after that, they can't stop you. Make sure to give your boss an official letter stating your decision to quit, and keep a copy of it!

I'd email it too. So there is proof that you sent it to your boss. And if there are higher ups, or a HR department, cc them on it.