By embarassed - 08/08/2009 14:53 - United States

Today, I went for a hike with my new boyfriend on a fairly deserted trail my ex-husband had shown me awhile back. In all my hikes there, I've never seen another person and figured it would be okay to get intimate. Guess who came hiking past? That's right, my ex-husband. And our 8yr old son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 106
You deserved it 73 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sireen 0

why would you go there if your ex husband showed you that spot....


So you went to a trail that your EX HUSBAND showed you and are surprised that he might SHOW UP? What the **** is wrong with you?? Keep it in the bedroom, you dumb bitch. Ugh, your poor son. I feel so bad for him.

triplethreat13 0

i feel bad for your son, not you. as a little kid, it's hard enough to go through parents' divorce, but he has to see you intimately with his new daddy? ouch.

(*****.) I chimed in with the haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damn door, no?

#29, that's not being a ****. She had a legal divorce with your husband and you can't date anymore? Anyway, more like F your son's life, seeing you making out with a new guy..ouchh!

We all like to get a little freaky sometimes when we are out in the woods BUT you need to learn to get off the trail first. I will respect anyone's right to have sexy fun BUT you have to respect my right that I don't want to see it.

Wow. FYL indeed. I can't believe how many people are saying YDI for having sex after your divorce in a place you've never seen anyone before. 0.o. It's not like you'd expect your ex husband to come strolling past the exact same spot at that exact time. It's far more likely he'd have had reason to come to her house and let himself in for something their son had forgotten if the kid had keys. You might as well say YDI for having a bf after your divorce.

bexox 0

Agreed. It was a secluded place. Some of you would be surprised how many people get it on in the woods!

legolas0762 0

YFDI. Why would you even SHOW a place like that to your boyfriend? that was for you and your EX. Who the hell are you to bring them to a place you know your ex goes to?

rosto16 0
Scrantoncity 0

#36 u retard most republicans have morals unlike the babykilling democrats. More republicans are Christians than democrats so most likely won't have sex until marriage. I'm not saying u can't be a democrat and a Christian it's just rarer

rosto16 0

#67 are you saying that Newt Gingrich, John Ensign, and Mark Sanford are moral leaders?! Wow, you're a ******* quack!

#67, you are being just as retarded and ignorant. "babykilling democrats" indeed. I say YDI because your husband showed you that place, of COURSE he's probably going to go about it every now and then. Like, for example, with another girl to try and woo, or his son for bonding time. You can't possibly think you'd be the only one of you two to have that idea.

#67 you're an idiot for feeding a troll.....dumbass Dame you do realize that the likely hood of them both being on the trail at the same time is really low. That was like a 1 in a million shot in the dark. Her husband doesn't have the sole right to walk that trail. She deserves it for not going a bit off the trail, not because he showed it to her and might wanna use it again to woo some other female. What would really have been hilarious had they both been doing the same thing in close proximity on opposite sides of the bushes :D

Now, now...let's be nice to the bloodthirsty, ignorant, hypocritical conservative; we don't want him to invade our countries after he gets offended.

@97: True enough, and yes that'd be hilarious.

democrat. christian. bisexual. Hm. Wow. That must be REALLY rare, huh?!