By embarassed - 08/08/2009 14:53 - United States

Today, I went for a hike with my new boyfriend on a fairly deserted trail my ex-husband had shown me awhile back. In all my hikes there, I've never seen another person and figured it would be okay to get intimate. Guess who came hiking past? That's right, my ex-husband. And our 8yr old son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 106
You deserved it 73 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sireen 0

why would you go there if your ex husband showed you that spot....


hi mom why are jumping on top of my step dad???

bonnieandclyde44 0

you are such a bitch. you have an eight year old son and youre like... DATING?!

fogrunner 13

... So? Would you mind the dating if OP were a guy, I wonder??? What's she supposed to do? Stay in a bad marriage and fight with her hubby in front of the kid all the time? Or maybe never date again (in which case you'd probably call her frigid)?

confucious 0

Oooh yay some fresh ydi to bitch about :)

Was your ex deaf?Surely if you thought you were alone,you were moaning pretty loud.He should have kept the kid away unless he recognized your sounds and wanted to show him what kind of **** you could be.