By johnnydoe6969 - 20/11/2011 23:51 - United States

Today, I went camping and shared a tent with this girl I have been sleeping with here and there for a year. To impress her, I popped a certain male enhancement supplement. Thirty minutes later I found out she was on her period. What a long night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 763
You deserved it 46 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that'd be depressing if it was a "short" night.

Mr_Matsubayashi 7

"To impress her, I popped a certain male enhancement supplement" Cause nothing impresses a lady like showing them you need help to get it up.


It sure must've been hard for you to think of such a dry pun.

SxeDaze 13

The sarcasm is so thick i can cut it with a butter knife. Try HARDer next time and let lil' old #2 have his moment.

Haha the night wasn't the only thing that was long

Period => well lubricated. At least it did mean that for my ex.

jobsman99 0

You can play with her **** and get a ******** or two. My gal is horniest when she is on her period, she just loves to have any kind of sex Inc anal, vaginal oral while on her period. Enjoy the ******** and fill her up.

oddball1972 10

That's only one hole ! She still has two more to go bro

alexloveyou_fml_fml 8

Not only were you in a tent, you pitched a tent in your pants. :D