By johnnydoe6969 - 20/11/2011 23:51 - United States

Today, I went camping and shared a tent with this girl I have been sleeping with here and there for a year. To impress her, I popped a certain male enhancement supplement. Thirty minutes later I found out she was on her period. What a long night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 763
You deserved it 46 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that'd be depressing if it was a "short" night.

Mr_Matsubayashi 7

"To impress her, I popped a certain male enhancement supplement" Cause nothing impresses a lady like showing them you need help to get it up.


Becky6487 5

Why do guys have such an issue with this? I love having sex on my period, the hormones surging through your body make everything ultra-sensitive and I have the best orgasms. If you're not willing to deal with the red river, why the eff would I ever give you a bj?

davidkx125253 0

I would have turned over and said u want to help me out here?

shinklelogan11 0

I think I would be able to BEAT it out for the night!

What's stopping her from giving you a bj or a wristy? Not the period that's for sure.

Really you pussy! You didn't **** her because she was on the rag!! That was a bad move on your part bro, it's always tighter on the rag.

tjv3 10

Well there're other things that could've been done

velvetwings 8

Did you guys ever consider that SHE might not like having sex on her period? Geez.

LizzyStrange 3

Aaaannd whats stopping you? Wrap your shit and tap it!!! EARN YOUR REDWINGS YA PUSSY! I mean's a little blood.

Sean3333 0

You can't earn your red wings unless you eat the girl out while she's on her period.