By johnnydoe6969 - 20/11/2011 23:51 - United States

Today, I went camping and shared a tent with this girl I have been sleeping with here and there for a year. To impress her, I popped a certain male enhancement supplement. Thirty minutes later I found out she was on her period. What a long night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 763
You deserved it 46 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that'd be depressing if it was a "short" night.

Mr_Matsubayashi 7

"To impress her, I popped a certain male enhancement supplement" Cause nothing impresses a lady like showing them you need help to get it up.


Omgpwned1234 0

LONG night I see what ya did there.

You mean she wasnt up for a murder mystery party?

perdix 29

If your tent pole snaps, you have a back up :D

Simoneaux17 11

If only they would invent a reverse for that supplement.....

vannaxo 0

Shouldn't have assumed. Pathetic.

Dude, she just didn't want to have sex with you. No girl would plan a camping trip on their period, that'd be hell.

#131, I've been on more than one camping trip on my period. It's not *that* much of a problem.

SwtCherryPie 26

Besides if it was a big group outting chances are that at least one girl would have been on her period regardless of when the trip was scheduled. You dont plan vacations and outting based on when you are having your period (at least I never have and never have known anyone that has.) If you have a bathroom and a box of tampons its not that inconvenient to do anything while its that time of the month. Some people just feel gross and if you arent in a close relationship its probably gonna gross you out to have sex with a bleeding chic but its not that bad unless she has a crazy strong flow.

talldancingirl 6