By oops - 18/05/2009 08:45 - United States

Today, I was working at my job as cashier. This really attractive girl that comes in walked in, so I mustered up the courage to ask her out, by writing my number on a dollar bill. She pays and a dollar is her change. I go to hand her the money when she sees it and says, "Keep the change". FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 321
You deserved it 18 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If someone came up to you and just wordlessly handed you their phonenumber, would you really be inclined to call them? I don't see how this is considered a reasonable strategy for asking someone out. Surely asking for their phone number is a better way to show interest, because honestly just expecting some stranger to call you because you gave them your number is a bit arrogant.

That's a really great way to make some extra cash. Keep it up.


AlexNeenan 0

#15 - You would love the superior grammar in the moderating section of FML. #29 - Way to fail at spelling "John Steinbeck" correctly.

I normally read all comments to make sure I'm not duplicating, but I've forgone that..... what makes you think she realized it was YOUR number? It could have been anyone's number. By the way, writing your number on the bill is a really dumb idea. Try something more proactive.

Allord 0

I can't wait until that bill gets in circulation and you start getting random phonecalls from people all over the country.

next time write it on a paper and tell her that she dropped it, not a dollar. lol

Well seriously, what were you expecting? It's a stupid way to "ask someone out". When people see random numbers on a bill, they don't frequently think, "Oh lookie! Someone must have been trying to be shy and cute and ask me out by writing their phone number on my change just a few minutes ago!" It's cowardly. And, did you try to hand it to her with the number facing her....? YDI for being paranoid and not using your words like a big boy.

WTF, man? If she says "keep the change", that's a hint that she likes you! Why did you not ask her out?

and, for the record, people don't find doing something like that to be that arrogant. i got a date just last week by writing my number down on a piece of paper in my pocket and handing it to a cute girl on the train b4 she got off saying, 'oh, i think you forgot something' but then again, that's not wordless or anything...its just genius. and yes, we did go out to dinner...a couple times. it works man, just reach down deep and find a pair and present confidence.

Who looks closely at their change from a fast food joint?