By counselor - 25/08/2010 16:32 - United States

Today, I was working as a camp counselor helping a five year old girl. I heard her mumble, "My grandpa is getting married on Saturday." I enthusiastically replied and told her how exciting that was! Only after did I realize that she said 'buried'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 265
You deserved it 9 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I swear, I'll make it my personal mission to bury all the comments that reply on #1 just to be seen.

jellyfish_735 0


"maaaarriiieeed.....!!!! buriieeed!!!!" (Nirvana - All apologies) lol

Rick_S 3

your life is screwed because you misheard a little five year old girl and told her how great it was that her grandfather was getting buried? How about her life? She's lost her grandfather, and now has an idiot camp councilor tell her how great it is that he's being buried! Think about someone else for once in your life, would you?!

karson123 0

#5 is hott... anyway that sucks but it's not ur fault u just misunderstood her

#43: they WERE basically saying they felt srry for the little girl

UpYoursInAdvance 0