By idkmybffjill? - 13/02/2009 04:12 - United States

Today, I was pestering a co-worker, so she jokingly stated "I'll bury you!" and I replied "I'll bury your mom!". Her moms funeral was last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 572
You deserved it 49 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Matisse_fml 0

Happens to the best of us. I once shared my thoughts on the "very special forces" article on The Onion's website to an acquaintance at work. It turned out that his brother was mentally disabled. FML

what a tard, can people get off mums cause i just got off all of yours.


Matisse_fml 0

Happens to the best of us. I once shared my thoughts on the "very special forces" article on The Onion's website to an acquaintance at work. It turned out that his brother was mentally disabled. FML

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infantrygirl 0

#1 is right. Not only are they dead, but they were never cool to start with. They are perhaps the lamest, least intelligent come backs a person could ever use. The same goes for "your face". I seriously question the IQ of anyone who uses either of these phrases.

skyttlz 32

"your face" is worse than "your mom" but their both dumb

what a tard, can people get off mums cause i just got off all of yours.

wow, for everyone who is critizing FML's for being stupid...its FML not "hey you made a funny joke" so relax, if it happened to you, you would be on here posting the same exact thing.

I've done the same thing, retorting to a friend's joke with "your mom"...

That's why I hate those "your mom!" jokes so much

earwig12 1

YOUR MOM hates those jokes so much! Ohhhhh burnsauce!!!