By d.stack - 12/08/2009 23:14 - United States

Today, I ran sound for my ex's wedding rehearsal since I was the only sound tech in town. Her dad was late for the rehearsal, so the pastor had me to walk her down the aisle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 776
You deserved it 3 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it wasn't the real thing.... Seems kind of weird the pastor would make the sound tech guy stand in, though. Oh well, I'm not a pastor.

LadyLovely08 0

What an unfortunate turn of events... I sure hope it's an fml for the irony, not because you're still hung up on her.


s3klyma 0

Not really, they're from america so theyre probably related anyway.

chaosleader0 0

it would be well theyre from the south so theyre probably related dumbass not from America alone. but still yeah sure your the only sound guy IN TOWN doesnt mean they cant find one out of town you should of declined to do the sound unless your still friends with her and she asked you to

Get it straight, Alabama and Arkansas have high incest rates. Not the south in general.

whiskeyloverrrr 0

FYL that's horrible! but lol.

At least it wasn't the real thing.... Seems kind of weird the pastor would make the sound tech guy stand in, though. Oh well, I'm not a pastor.

desmaddin 5

It was only rehearsal. So I think anyone was fine. Well, at least technically

the sound tech can still refuse... no one held a gun to his head.

LadyLovely08 0

What an unfortunate turn of events... I sure hope it's an fml for the irony, not because you're still hung up on her.

philly8608 0

I don't mean to be rude, but couldn't the OP just have said no? Either to taking the job or to walking her down the aisle?

In this industry passing up a gig is never really a good idea.

maybe not say no to the job but say no to the pastor for escorting her. I think he would understand if you explained the situation

did you mean economy? because that seems to make alot more sense than what you said.

I think he meant industry. As a sound tech guy in a small town especially-you need to keep a good reputation or as soon as another one comes along, they'll all go to the new guy. Word of mouth is the main catalyst for that business.

He probably wanted to be a mature adult. Plus, he is getting paid, which is his livelihood.

I thought it was the actual wedding at first, and I was like "OUCH!" But I just skipped the word "Rehearsal". At least you weren't the stand-in father for the real thing.