By Zamaria - 02/10/2009 22:23 - France

Today, I was woken up from a nap by my cat attacking my face. Evidently, my husband thought it would be funny to shine a laser pointer on my cheek. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 738
You deserved it 3 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I think it would be funny to shine the laser pointer at his balls the next time he sleeps naked.


Gia0896 0

AWESOME! Thats a cool idea. Im gonna try that on my brother. :)

I'm gonna buy one just to do that lmao!!!

Angi95 3

at least you married a guy with a sense of humor.

Well, I think it would be funny to shine the laser pointer at his balls the next time he sleeps naked.

Antivirus_fml 0

But then she wont be able to have kids. :p

King_of_Kings 3


At least you were awakened from sleep by raw, physical, rough animal play. Yum. :] Was he spanked for being a bad boy?

And he took a video of it and posted on youtube? I want to see that >: D