Mr Whiskers

By Anonymous - 29/05/2020 14:00

Today, one of my friends was playing with a laser pointer. When he pointed it in my direction, I swatted at it away like it was a bug. Apparently, I'm part cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 050
You deserved it 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

I’m not seeing how that’s a bad thing??

Marcella1016 31

Maybe OP doesn’t like the idea of chasing rats or getting stuck in trees. The 9 lives thing would be pretty cool for it, though. Embrace it, OP!


ojoRojo 27

I’m not seeing how that’s a bad thing??

Marcella1016 31

Maybe OP doesn’t like the idea of chasing rats or getting stuck in trees. The 9 lives thing would be pretty cool for it, though. Embrace it, OP!

Understandable if he was shining it at your face, but it's on you if you were swatting at it while he was aiming at your arm or something.

I hope you got the super-limber-yoga-aficionado part and not the couch-potato-won't-lift-a-finger part. You might want to trim your claws a bit too.