Close, but no cigar

By Anonymous - 21/09/2019 22:00 - United States - Athens

Today, my boyfriend tried to compliment my date-night attire. His brain couldn't decide between, "So pretty" and, "You're the shit," so his mouth decided, "You're so shitty" would suffice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 887
You deserved it 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haecceitas 13

Oh dear, he tried! Laugh about that, relax and give him a little hell ;)

I feel shitty Oh, so shitty. I feel shitty and witty and gay... Yep, we need to do a West Side Story reboot.


Haecceitas 13

Oh dear, he tried! Laugh about that, relax and give him a little hell ;)

I feel shitty Oh, so shitty. I feel shitty and witty and gay... Yep, we need to do a West Side Story reboot.

So beautiful you got him tongue tied. Adorable!

You should have replied, "Oh really? Thank you! You're shitty too!

EmDizzle2007 28

I once read a comic strip in which a boy hands his girlfriend a love note that she angrily throws back in his face and walks off. Confused, he calls after her, "Angel face!" and she stops, turns around, and gives him a hug. She realizes he had spelled it "angle face".

Wadlaen 23

10 for attempt, 0 for implementation - 10+0=10 - he's a tenner, worth keeping!💕

so you know he just made a mistake. that he didnt mean it. not sure why you're upset.

When I was in the nervous phase with a huge crush on my now boyfriend he had a new hat and I told him that it was awful. I meant “awesome” and “cool” at the same time. (Yeah, I tried to bust out a “that’s cool”. I’m really less nervous with him going on 3 yrs but I still get butterflies when I’m with him. Lol