By Biggie - 12/05/2009 07:49 - United States

Today, I was walking with my girlfriend when she began skipping ahead of me and out in to the street. I saw a car coming right at her so I tackled her to the ground to save her. Turns out the car was stopping and was never going to hit her, and my girlfriend doesn't appreciate concussions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 814
You deserved it 12 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cessari 0

LOL You've been watching too many super hero movies


I would be so flattered if my bf did that for me. Whether the car stopped or not, it showed that you truly care about her....she should focus on that, not the concussion.

yomamaOo 2

If your girlfriend skips in public she's to young for you bro

xsarax_fml 10

well she SHOULD appreciate a caring boyfriend who put his life in jeopardy to save hers. Sometimes I wonder why certain people even get into relationships. haha

Mortoli 30

Well I don't see why everyone making fun of you and why your girl got mad. People forget we live in a world filled with what ifs. There was a high possibility she would have gotten hit. I find your love to your girlfriend very honorable. Not many men these days would risk their lives for their girlfriends. That's deserving respect from everyone.

Very heroic just undesired results.

MdMan2 23

You did the right thing, though.

question - are their witnesses to this alibi? if no, I worry this is a cover story for child abuse...