By Rech - 12/05/2009 11:09 - United States

Today, a friend and I went to Gamestop to pick up a game he wanted. I ended up buying a 17+ game, and I was prepared to show my license, but he stopped me an said, "I know you're 18". He then said, "Man, I've pretty much watched you grow up in this store." A game salesman watched me grow up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 120
You deserved it 62 438

JRech tells us more.

JRech 0

OP here. It's a FML to me because, I'm not ashamed of being a gamer, I feel that it's just a pretty dorky situation. I totally was caught off guard when the site gave this entry the green light. I just thought it would be funny to share. A bit of background though, #155 is completely right, it's only been like 4 years.

Top comments

That's more of FHL. He's been working at a game store for all those years. Atleast you had an excuse, you liked playing video games. Not all kids are into going out and playing sports etc.

i don't gets whats bad about that... so the guy who works at the store knows you, it's a mark of a good salesperson


Haha that sounds like something that would happen to my boyfriend.

"Her" name is Sparkles. Why do you assume it's a guy? There are 2 people in the picture. Also, is it that big a surprise for someone to be gay?

prttyyngthng 0

LMAO... YDI because you play video games WAY too much... but FYL because ya pretty much don't have one if you spend that much time playing video games...

alan1011 0

forget what he said I play videogames but only cuz I do homework until after dark and don't yet hav a drivers licence some people are busy and just play in the 1 to 2 hours they hav free after dark

fmlsmymiddlename 0

"Grow up", as in, get older? Because I'm pretty sure buying a 17+ game is the only sign of maturity you've shown. Get outdoors sometimes.

That's more of FHL. He's been working at a game store for all those years. Atleast you had an excuse, you liked playing video games. Not all kids are into going out and playing sports etc.

i don't gets whats bad about that... so the guy who works at the store knows you, it's a mark of a good salesperson

Yeah there's this one restaurant where a waitress has known me forever. when I was younger I went a lot and then didn't go for a few years but then I went back and she recognized me. I didn't recognize her though, but my parents assured me we did lol

Well the employee is a loser for working at a Gamestop long enough to see some kid grow up!! goals people....goals....

That's definitely not as sad as the clerk working in a Gamestop for so long.

says the boy with the l4d pic. I play videogames but I also have good grades and do multiple sports at my highschool. just find a balance

me too. except I don't really plat sports

FBIWarning 0

yea FHL for working there for that long, nothing wrong about playing video games