By gymbob - 06/05/2009 11:36 - United States

Today, I was walking on the track when this really cute guy shows up. I was hot and sweaty, and wanted to impress him by pouring water on myself. Instead of being turned on, all he saw was me wiping my face on my shirt screaming. It wasn't water, I forgot I had brought Sprite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 768
You deserved it 103 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for bringing pop to drink when you work out period.

why would you drink sprite when you're supposed to be exercising?


ryguy997 0

YDI for being hot and sweaty from walking...

And how would pouring water on yourself be a turn on??

Idonebeenhad 17

you brought SPRITE on a jog? LOL

283- maybe she was wearing a white shirt? JUST a white shirt.

Cormophyte 0

Screaming? Really? Eyes open and painful screaming, or "I am frustrated and an attention ho and forgot I shouldn't scream in public" screaming?

YDI for bringing pop to drink when you work out period.

why would you drink sprite when you're supposed to be exercising?

In South Korea, there's an advertisement where a sexy girl is jogging and asks another jogger if he would like a Sprite shower. Perhaps she was advertising? Lol.

Why would Sprite make you scream? Scared of the fizz? YDI

vampirekisses91 0

If you get It in your eyes it burns, making some people scream I guess.

Number one, you're a ******* retard bringing sprite on a run, number 2, guys don't find that shit too hot

DigitalFusion 4

Number one, you said number 2. Number 2, yes we do.

^^ What the **** are you even talking about, dude?

WutTheFork 3

Dude said "Number one" then said "Number 2" Instead of "Number two"

sofarsogood 0

hot and sweaty walking on a track?

prettygirlsonly 0

Sprite really tickles. Pity it's so sticky.