By Danou - 28/03/2011 13:51 - France

Today, I was waiting for the bus while wearing my FML shirt. A passer-by stopped, stared at me for a moment, and said, "I agree, your life sucks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 116
You deserved it 58 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SirEBC 7

Bring him to us. We'll **** him up.

burninnapalm 5

dude. that's a win on his part. fail on yours for not seeing the joke.


burninnapalm 5

dude. that's a win on his part. fail on yours for not seeing the joke.

burninnapalm 5

if that is the case, then it's not an FML now is it? ;p

I agree. That is an epic win for said passerby

ulicksam 0

**** your life because someone agrees with you that your life is ******? Yes, FYL.

I mean, at least he didn't say, "You deserved it."

kinga08 0

Well obviously he reads FML as well if he said that, word for word! I'm sure he meant it in good spirit, I actually think it's pretty funny.

yeah i agree with you. OP has to lighten up.

I'd be happy if that happened to me, anyway, anything to have some human contact

ShadyFTW1 0

Your life is ****** because somebody agrees with your shirt? Nah, more like it's ****** 'cause your an oversensitive punk who can't take a joke.

ShadyFTW1 0

you're* screw off all you grammar Nazis.

burninnapalm 5

lol was kinda hoping you put "your" after screw off.... but after reading it over, not quite as funny

ShadyFTW1 0

If OP understood, he or she would have found it funny. It wouldn't be a **** my life.

ShadyFTW1 0

You are missing the point man. Yes it is funny, but if the OP thought it was, they wouldn't be posting it on a site called **** MY LIFE.

ShadyFTW1 0

lol #25 I hope you were joking with the second part of your comment, cause you're definitely wrong. You are = you're your(possessive) = your(possessive) just sayin. =)

sourgirl101 28

Shady, the OP is obviously an FML fan. Of course he/she would post their story on here so that we may enjoy it too. Some people have no problems laughing at themselves and you gotta laugh when you're the joke.(:

dude, what kind of guy puts smileys?

You got to when your talking to bitches, bitches love smiley faces.

redneck14 11

this is going to sound stupid but what is op?

redneck14 11

is this english class? didnt think so. kay? k

68 does... And guys that are secure enough with their masculinity to not make comments on what is ok for a man to do...