By rUs7up1d - 08/04/2015 14:43 - Guatemala - Guatemala City

Today, after pulling an all-nighter studying for an exam, I caught the bus to college. On the way there, the bus decided to make sweet love to a taxi, creating a pile-up and a traffic jam. I didn't make it to the exam in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 034
You deserved it 2 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely that is excuse enough to be given a second chance...

biasedshooter 24

Professors usually are understanding when things like that happen and let you have other exams count for double


Surely that is excuse enough to be given a second chance...

Plot twist: professor also wanted to make sweet love to the taxi. He fails OP out of jealousy.

biasedshooter 24

Professors usually are understanding when things like that happen and let you have other exams count for double

Shadowvoid 33

What professors do you have? I had to go to two separate funerals and brought one of the information pamphlets as proof. Not a single day was excused

Humans most likely, my school will give you exemptions on shit like that, like In the case of a kid this year, had to go to spain for his moms funeral missed a week of school, had no makeup work

#38 that's a little retarded, he needs to catch up on the work for the tests, so I think that school needs to reevaluate their system. It's also normal to need evidence, in case you're just bunking off.

If you explain to the professor what happened, you should be able to make it up

LittleRed79 39

Don't you know that this is actually how minivans are made?

Those crazy bus drivers . Hopefully your prof. allowed you to write it afterwards .

Octwo 16

I'm more inclined to assume the taxi was at fault, I'm constantly amazed most taxi drivers here still have licenses. But hell, probably different where the OP lives.

explain what happened and maybe he'll give you a second chance

Must be kinky transformers, with the sweet love and all

Hopefully they will understand. Sorry OP

Sweet love to a taxi? What type of automobile **** is this.