By inappropes - 18/08/2016 21:41 - United States

Today, at work I did inventory with my boss. He did the top shelves and I did the bottom ones. By the end, my knees were dirty and sore. I went home and my roommate asked me how my day went. I absent-mindedly said, "My boss had me on my knees all day." He hasn't stopped laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 649
You deserved it 3 263

inappropes tells us more.

As soon as I said it I realised the implications and just had to laugh. We both got a good chuckle out of it. I thought it would do the same for all of you so I thought I would share.

Top comments

drayloon 50

Bad time to announce that you got a raise?

I bet you could interrupt his laughter by adding, "and now I can't get the taste of cum out of my mouth."


Now you know the secret to moving up in the world.

I bet you could interrupt his laughter by adding, "and now I can't get the taste of cum out of my mouth."

drayloon 50

Bad time to announce that you got a raise?

mbrigham1223 5
Goblin182 26

I think absent mindlessly fits here.

chrisbeaudoin 26
Taco The Dank 27

Did you mean absentmindedly?

I work at a kayak rental and am on my knees on the dock all day so they are trashed by the end of my shift. I always watch myself to not say I was on my knees all day at work, my friends would have a field day with that

hoosiergirl94 31

It's okay, I wash dishes, so everyday at work I get wet

I work in a veterinary office, so I spend every day catering to bitches and ******* - often on my knees!