White knights

By not a bitch just don’t like you - 10/03/2021 13:59 - United States

Today, once again, I told a guy who’s been hounding me for ages that I’m not interested. After being asked repeatedly and turning him down politely for so long, I finally snapped and cussed his ass out. Now I’m known as "the bitch" for hurting such a "nice guy's" feelings. I need new friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 540
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sweetie 5

That pisses me off. If a woman behaved that way, we would be called a psycho bitch.

This is a prime example of harassment. Doesn't matter if they're "nice" or not; harassment doesn't have to be dramatic like you see in movies. Your friends are idiots.


Sweetie 5

That pisses me off. If a woman behaved that way, we would be called a psycho bitch.

This is a prime example of harassment. Doesn't matter if they're "nice" or not; harassment doesn't have to be dramatic like you see in movies. Your friends are idiots.

Maybe he'll off himself and you'll be free of him!

xxlk4xx 6

you did nothing wrong here! your answer was no and he should have accepted that the first time. I agree you need new friends!

DoctorPALO 14

Absolutely you need friends who understand that you can't force yourself to care about someone if you don't. Would they rather you'd said yes then had to dump him? You'd probably then just be called "the bitch who led him on."

DixieNormous 3

Just ignore them when they persist. They'll get the message.