By Anonymous - 18/08/2015 12:34 - United States - Arlington Heights

Today, I was telling my dad how my boyfriend dumped me yesterday. He responded by blowing his nose into his hand, wiping it in my hair, then saying "There, a REAL problem to whine about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 181
You deserved it 2 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brightbulb 39

Your dad could have probably handled that better, but at the same time it will hurt only for a little while and the world will continue spinning.


Brightbulb 39

Your dad could have probably handled that better, but at the same time it will hurt only for a little while and the world will continue spinning.

I'm sorry you got dumped, but I'm sure you'll be okay. As for the dad problem, wash your hair and plot revenge.

That's insensitive... And don't worry OP, I'm sure you'll find someone else :)

Maybe that was just his way of trying to distract you. Could've gone a different route but hey, he tried.

tantanpanda 26

If even one of my parents did that to me, I'd give them a 5 year silent treatment. Putting boogers in anyone's hair is disgusting.

Agreed, this is just the grossest thing. I'm still cringing. Boyfriend or no boyfriend, whining or not, it's just horrible. The dad could have just ignored her and walked off if he hated the conversation that much, but if he really wanted to go down the "I'll give you something real to cry about" route, I'd honestly rather just be hit (not in the face).

He probably didn't deserve you anyways, but the breakup will get easier to deal with in time. Most dads don't know how to deal with "girl stuff", but what he did was pretty gross. Sorry you had to deal with both of those things.

I could see why someone would break up with meg and also wipe snot in her hair

Your dad sounds rude... sorry OP. Hope you feel better!