By superfkd - 15/03/2009 02:27 - Canada

Today, I was teaching a swimming lesson to 6-7 year old boys and girls. I recently broke up with my boyfriend so I haven't been taking care of my bikini line. While I was demonstrating how to do a whip-kick out of the water one of the boys said, "You have a beard coming out of your bathing suit!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 926
You deserved it 70 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whether you have a boyfriend or not, how do you feel comfortable wearing bathers without fixing your bikini line? I cannot do that.

ima_krackerr 0


kids say the darndest things =) haha what was your reaction though??

yumyumpower 16

I hate it when girls only take care of their hygiene when they are in a relationship... you so deserved that... why shouldn't you take care of your bikini line cuz you broke up with your bf??? that's just gross...

Let's wait ten years and let's see the kid's reaction when he finally realizes what he's done.

Whether you have a boyfriend or not, how do you feel comfortable wearing bathers without fixing your bikini line? I cannot do that.

badluckalex 23