By superfkd - 15/03/2009 02:27 - Canada

Today, I was teaching a swimming lesson to 6-7 year old boys and girls. I recently broke up with my boyfriend so I haven't been taking care of my bikini line. While I was demonstrating how to do a whip-kick out of the water one of the boys said, "You have a beard coming out of your bathing suit!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 922
You deserved it 70 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whether you have a boyfriend or not, how do you feel comfortable wearing bathers without fixing your bikini line? I cannot do that.

ima_krackerr 0


Obviously the breakup wasn't *that* recent if it had already achieved beard status...

JP1988_fml 0

Hey, some guys dig the Sasquatch look. :-)

cheesyvader 0

wow.. at least trim some so you dont have freakin bigfoot coming outta your bathing suit.. haha its not bad to have hair there, but take care of the bikini line haha


lol :))) funny & disgusting @ the same time

silentfirefly 0

I have to agree with 11. At least take care of yourself before it gets to the beard-like state.

I love the difference between the comments on this ("why weren't you shaving?") and the girl who told her boyfriend to shave his facial hair ("how dare you ask him to shave?!"). Why is a natural bikini line inherently gross?

Because you have to stick your dick down there.

kissothis 6

Haha! + 1 for the kids. Just love it when kids are that honest and funny, they just don't know what they are saying. @#11 "This is why I hate kids: They can say things that hurt and you can't do anything about it." Grow up dude!

415chick 0

hahaha ohhh man kids are funny :p