By jaqen h'garrrhghhgfgjhfuck - 09/06/2014 21:45 - France - Toulon

Today, I was spinning some yarn around to make my new cat run in circles. After about 10 seconds, he stopped going in circles and went straight ahead, happily running several feet into the wall and knocking himself out. My bowel movements have more brain-power than this thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 934
You deserved it 9 469

Same thing different taste


Cats. Weirdest things at the weirdest times.

You made him dizzy and disoriented him, what did you expect?

Seriously? You sound like a serial killer in the making, OP. A stupid one, at that. You purposely make the cat spin in circles, and are surprised when it hurts itself by running into a wall? Do us a favor, go ram your face into a wall.

beanthemouse 13

You have gotta be kidding me. Making cats run in circles means they are gonna be a serial killer? Go back to!

beanthemouse 13

Haha, everyone is like that after running in circles x3

how did this get approved,its not remotely funny. whatever.

TJStarzZ 8

The only sympathy I have for this poor creature is that it has to look up to you as its owner.

How could you call an adorably doofy kitty a "thing"? Treat that cat right and you'll have up to 19 years of snuggles, laughter, and YouTube popularity. You should be grateful for that rather than calling your cat stupid, you mean person.

Has anyone thought that the cat was dizzy or something?

Most of us have. Are you sure your name is Gary, or is this Patrick?

and all i can think about is "where is the video"! terrible i know, but crazy cats are why youtube was invented