By jaqen h'garrrhghhgfgjhfuck - 09/06/2014 21:45 - France - Toulon

Today, I was spinning some yarn around to make my new cat run in circles. After about 10 seconds, he stopped going in circles and went straight ahead, happily running several feet into the wall and knocking himself out. My bowel movements have more brain-power than this thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 934
You deserved it 9 469

Same thing different taste


tehdarkness 21

You made him dizzy, you complete ******* walnut. F the cat's life for having such an uneducated goose penis for an owner.

beanthemouse 13

Ok guys, enough with the threats, pointless comparisons and acting like a complete PETA nutcase. Yes, this guy is an idiot. He does not desereve a cat, and by the sounds of him, he purchased a cat without researching first. Cats should not be given yarn, like someone said, it can choke them due to their tounge. But that does not mean he should get nasty threats, some guy here even said he was a serial killer in the making. All I can say is: W-T-F? OP: You made it dizzy. It will get dizzy. Fun fact: you can't see where you are going when you are dizzy. Considering how you have little knowledge and understanding of cats you should get an animal that is easy to take care of. In fact, maybe no animal at all. They are living creatures, not fashion trends you buy to look cool. They cost a lot of money and time.

WinterBlue42 22

You might be one of the smartest people I have seen on here in a while. The OP, on the other hand, is not. Poor kitty was probably dizzy off his ass. xD

romex918 3

Let me spin you around in circles and tell you to run and we'll see how it goes. It's a cat that was excited and playing.

And if you keep treating your cat like this, your bowel movements will have more affection for you than will your cat.

The cat was probably dizzy from the spinning. That doesn't make it stupid.