By hanzastfu - 26/10/2009 17:25 - United States

Today, I was spending time with my boyfriend for the first time in two weeks. I started tearing up and telling him that I feel like he never has time for me anymore. He responded with, "I'm hungry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 783
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishdancer 0

Wow. Your life sucks because your boyfriend would rather eat than hear you cry. Oh no.

I sorry. Sometimes my boyfriend has done this, too, although I think he's probably like that not because he doesn't care, but because he's not sure how to respond. Don't worry - just talk to him and hopefully he'll be a little more reasonable.


#19: If he'd given her the time and attention she deserves I guess the question is whether she indeed does deserve the time and attention. Some people think that she's being whiny and needs to get her act together (i.e. be someone worth spending time with). Others (like you) feel that he is neglecting her. Neither side can offer any evidence, except for their own biases, for choosing one position or the other.

nyuu1234 0
alex_vik 0

Holy shit, a whole two weeks? Oh my goodness, how could you even last that long without seeing him? /sarcasm. YDI for being overly emotional.

oh god, another FML where a girl tells her boyfriend something and he gives her a douchebag response YDI for being a whiny, overdramatic bitch

ozymandias_fml 0

Don't be selfish. He hasn't seen you in a long time either -- why burden him with you being a big baby? Act like an adult -- don't try to drive him away... Can you real blame him if he was avoiding you, if that's how you act when he does make time for you?

ultraslick 0

YDI, it's been two weeks. The tears were a bit much. Nothing a guy likes more than an overly emotional girl

maxv_15 0

stop being such a selfish bitch

is this an fml because u ran out of ham? cuz ur man is hungry, make him a sammich.

No No... she forgot to pick up a couple of onions **** your boyfriends life, he should get a girl who knows what her job is