By hanzastfu - 26/10/2009 17:25 - United States

Today, I was spending time with my boyfriend for the first time in two weeks. I started tearing up and telling him that I feel like he never has time for me anymore. He responded with, "I'm hungry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 783
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishdancer 0

Wow. Your life sucks because your boyfriend would rather eat than hear you cry. Oh no.

I sorry. Sometimes my boyfriend has done this, too, although I think he's probably like that not because he doesn't care, but because he's not sure how to respond. Don't worry - just talk to him and hopefully he'll be a little more reasonable.


quarty165 0

after two weeks of not seeing him you spent the time whining and crying? YDI

danceoo 0

um, enough about the hungry. two weeks? you were crying after two weeks? um...overreaction much. if someone did that to me i wouldn't listen either.

If you spend all your time together whining at him it's no wonder he's never around. Tearing up? What a drama queen.

While it sucks to be you...that seriously cracked my shit up!

rosemary_fml 5

if he was into you, this wouldn't be happening. time to break up with him.

Why is this an FML? Clearly you were having a discussion about your current problems. Yours: Your desperation to feel wanted. His: His need and lack of food.

To correct you Mr roads. Maybe his WANT for food

You should be happy that you got to see him, especially if it's your only opportunity to see him. He hasn't seen you in two weeks, do you think he wants to see you get overly emotional during your time together?

He was probably wishing you'd suck something else of his beside his energy and soul with your selfish whining and crying.

Honestly wow guys don't need to bash on this one person. Either you guys are retarded, illiterate, and/or inconsiderate. Although it may have not been the best thing to break done. You guys still don't have to repeat the same thing over and over again -.-