By hanzastfu - 26/10/2009 17:25 - United States

Today, I was spending time with my boyfriend for the first time in two weeks. I started tearing up and telling him that I feel like he never has time for me anymore. He responded with, "I'm hungry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 783
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishdancer 0

Wow. Your life sucks because your boyfriend would rather eat than hear you cry. Oh no.

I sorry. Sometimes my boyfriend has done this, too, although I think he's probably like that not because he doesn't care, but because he's not sure how to respond. Don't worry - just talk to him and hopefully he'll be a little more reasonable.


WHY are you dating a tamagotchi? It only has a number of hard-wired responses, and your over-complicated demand didn't fit into the pattern! At the very least give it a test run before calling it your "boyfriend"--just a number of unpredictable inputs will reveal that its not developed enough for a human, much less can he handle a relationship! On the side note, how heavy is your boyfriend? It seems like eating is his default conditioned response each time he's stressed/confused/doesn't know how to react.

YDI for not taking the hint, you're a woman, and he's hungry.

endless_text 0

So many assholes here. Your boyfriend sounds really insensitive. I mean, maybe you were being whiny, I don't know, but if he's not seen you in two weeks, and this is a regular thing, and he doesn't have a good reason for being like that, then he's probably not worth dating in the first place.

Of course he is hungry, the OP has been away for two weeks. Bitch should have stopped by to drop off some sammiches before and he wouldn't have been so distracted. nomnomnom

dump him. obviously if he ignores you and then just doesn't take you seriously he was waiting for it.

get in the kitchen then, geez, he's trying to give you a hint

The next person to say the word sammich is a ****.

1-FML for having such a boyfriend. 2-YDI for tolerating that.