By hanzastfu - 26/10/2009 17:25 - United States

Today, I was spending time with my boyfriend for the first time in two weeks. I started tearing up and telling him that I feel like he never has time for me anymore. He responded with, "I'm hungry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 783
You deserved it 9 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishdancer 0

Wow. Your life sucks because your boyfriend would rather eat than hear you cry. Oh no.

I sorry. Sometimes my boyfriend has done this, too, although I think he's probably like that not because he doesn't care, but because he's not sure how to respond. Don't worry - just talk to him and hopefully he'll be a little more reasonable.


ohJeeznotme 7

Clingy much? He probably has a job or other obligations other than you. Stop being selfish.

Yeah, wanting to see your boyfriend more than once in two weeks is just CREEPY AND WEIRD, you big CLINGY STALKER. Oh, and make him a sammich, because that joke hasn't been done about seventy billion ******* times before in this comments section alone.

Stop being needy and make him a sammich.

YDI, the world doesn't revolve around you. Also, if he hasn't seen you in 2 weeks, do you really think the first thing he wants to do is deal with unnecessary drama?

AntiChrist7 0

Theeeere it is! I was wondering when you were doing to show up with this comment.

AntiChrist7 0

It's a great, yet simple truth

Ellowise_fml 0

Haha :) Getting melodramatic much?? Doesn't mean it's the end of the relationship...

MissGreenT 0

Hey the mind works better on a full stomach doesnt it?

PutDownTheGun 0

The last thing a guy wants is drama. If you haven't seen him in two weeks and you act like this, he may just want to stay away. No man wants a leech for a girlfriend. So get him a sandwich and maybe his brain'll work better.