By megomania - 02/05/2011 13:51 - United States

Today, I was so sick that I was puking and had the runs. While on the toilet, I yelled for my boyfriend to get me a bowl to puke in. As I did so, I saw that a ton of it was forming on the floor in dots. My boyfriend had given me a spaghetti strainer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 026
You deserved it 4 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet that strained your relationship.

Hey, he grabbed the first thing he saw that looked like a bowl, then actually took it into the bathroom *while* you were having diarrhea. He may not be the brightest guy in the world, but he tried. You puked in it, afterall, so you didn't notice at first either.


well its the thought that counts rite???? :P

xXcookieX 0

Smart boyfriend you got there(;

I'm not gonna want spaghetti for a long time....but on the other hand, I hope you feel better soon!