By Anonymous - 31/08/2018 14:30

Today, after my live-in boyfriend decided to take a few days away due to a fight, I found out he's been staying with, and sleeping, with my aunt. I just lost a relative and a man all in one shot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 294
You deserved it 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as that sucks, I applaud your expert marksmanship ... killed the both of them with just one shot!!!

Your new least favorite animal: Anteater.


Wow that sucks sorry for ya OP,well at least you found out now instead of later like when you're already married and that's one shitty move for your aunt to pull, you'll be better off without them,and I understand a good friend yrs ago caught his 20 yr old fiance having sex with her by marriage Uncle who was almost three times older 🤢😵

You might want to work on punctuation. I often have trouble understanding your comments.

Your new least favorite animal: Anteater.

That’s what the reader is supposed to figure out. I try to be subtle.

As much as that sucks, I applaud your expert marksmanship ... killed the both of them with just one shot!!!

CerealBro1 13

The way it’s worded really makes it seem like you killed them

Good riddance to them both. Just think, he may become your uncle.