By phobopohobia - 06/02/2009 22:09 - United States

Today, my wife told me that if she had a penny for every time I had brought her to climax she'd have change for a nickel. We've been married for 16 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 265
You deserved it 12 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either she's an idiot for never bringing it up sooner, or you're as dense as a brick for not being able to gauge her reactions/responses.

Same as the others said. If she never said anything about it before, **** her life; she should have told you.


alliewillie 22

Actually it sounds like he sucks.

Same as the others said. If she never said anything about it before, **** her life; she should have told you.

Either she's an idiot for never bringing it up sooner, or you're as dense as a brick for not being able to gauge her reactions/responses.

Tell her, if you had a nickel for each time you have blown your load while thinking of some random hot chick you passed in the street that day, you would be a millionair ;)

Ouch. I'm, well, a virgin, but I know what some women like. Anyway, try to get her to be more truthful about her reactions. She just had an outburst then; faking shows that she cares about your feelings. I think the worst thing a guy can do is flat out ask their spouse what they've been doing wrong, but I'm not sure. I'd save it as a last resort. Hope things turn out better in the future. Remember to put her needs before yours!

unless it's the choice between redecorating the house or buying a boat :D

luvlysc 2

no offense but only a virgin would say that.

No actually the worst thing he can do is have sex with her for years and NOT find out if she's enjoying it. I don't see how it wouldn't come up, unless he is totally oblivious and stupid. or she's a bitch for faking it and lying when he asked her for constructive criticism.

WTF, this situation does not deserve a divorce! Just talk to her about it, and try and learn what she likes. It could be very exciting and brighten up your sex life :D

Kurlzz 0

That sucks, but its not your fault. Its really difficult to get some women to ******. This is pretty good for you guys though... spices things up. :D Ask her exactly what she wants, seeing as how she hasnt TOLD you for 16 years...

texxxasissouth 0 is all about communication and the wonderful journey you have with your partner. Your wife made an insensitive comment that probably hurt more than it helped. I would say marriage counseling.

swerrwer 0

maybe you should eat her out? just a thought...