By Cowgirl_Up37 - 02/07/2011 20:54 - United States

Today, I was so hungover, I started yelling at inanimate objects. My mom walked in on me calling my cereal a "worthless piece of shit sent from the bowels of Hell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 829
You deserved it 48 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mruizk9 7

if ur old enough to drink.. then y r u living with ur parents?


wow. my comment moderated. I guess fml didn't appreciate my 2 cents. it was a stupid fml and I can't believe it made the cut.

duckieanne 0
DawnMarie11 0

funny but next time I suggest not drinking so much.

I think you just gave that cereal brand a new advertising jingle! :D

what are you all you idiots saying if your old enough to drink your old enough to have your own place it's summer college students don't have class she might be home visiting her parents. Glad people take things into consideration.

flockz 19

this makes me never want to eat "frosted" cheerios ever again.

kingpaco 0

if this were a Facebook status I would so like it!!