By lovewedge - 09/03/2009 00:25 - United States

Today, I was so drunk that my friends put me to bed during a party. Later I find out that while I was passed out two of my friends came in and had sex while I was in the same bed. They tried to use me as a prop. Now my friends call me the love wedge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 059
You deserved it 23 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what_the_fuhh 0

damn, that fucken sucks ass dude. sorry


kagome_eb 0

don't get drunk. your own fault

I'm so glad I didn't read this in a public space, I just laughed so ******* much. Jesus christ. That name has made my day.

Yeah #23. 15, 16, all totally have it right. Don't ever drink alcohol ever. It is the devil. In fact, move to a Quaker village and you can just whittle your day away. ******* seriously people, people can get carried away sometimes, if the OP was at a party with friends (even if they do apparently have demented morals) then whatever. If the OP was a woman who got raped because she drank too much would you say she deserved it? Actually don't bother answering that, I probably already know what you morally superior pricks think.

Cryptix 0

I can seriously not feel bad for the poster at all... If you were smart, you would not drink until you passed out, and then none of this would have happened. Maybe you have a problem and should call AA

hahahahah "the love wedge"... that is excellent.

... oh snap love wedge. I'm gonna have to say you deserved that one.