By ashprove611 - 27/12/2012 09:47 - United States - Tonawanda

Today, after ranting to my boyfriend about how Pandora bracelets are pointless and cliched and that I'd never spend that kind of money on a tiny charm, he gave me my Christmas present. It was a Pandora bracelet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 531
You deserved it 57 488

ashprove611 tells us more.

ashprove611 7

Hi, OP here...Ok it was a couple days before Christmas that I ranted about it, and he had already bought me the bracelet. But It's not an FML because I hated the bracelet, it's an FML because I felt so bad about it and had no idea he got me one. The bracelet ended up being beautiful and thoughtful and I love it. The beads he got were the exact ones I would have picked out myself.

Top comments

Anyone else totally see where this FML was headed right away? Anyway, FYL, but I find it's best not to complain about items ON Christmas Day, but rather before so they know what not to get you. Otherwise this happens ;)

kotana191 8


Anyone else totally see where this FML was headed right away? Anyway, FYL, but I find it's best not to complain about items ON Christmas Day, but rather before so they know what not to get you. Otherwise this happens ;)

What if OP and her boyfriend had this discussion two weeks before Christmas and then he gave her her present? I read it the same way you did but now that I think about it I think OP ranted to her boyfriend and then after a while he gave her her present. Maybe it was on purpose, maybe he already bought it, who knows?

Pretty sure he wouldn't buy her a present she would definitely hate. Probably wouldn't benefit him very much.

abceasyas123abc 12

How about instead of ranting about it at all, just be grateful you got anything that nice and thoughtful at all. YDI for being selfish and self-centered.

But see, OP has an opportunity now. If she wears that bracelet every day for a while, then tells her boyfriend "I thought these were stupid until YOU bought them for me", crisis averted.

Werken247 14

@26 and half the other commentors on this entire thread, are you all totally ignorant or is it that you just can't read? OP ranted about the bracelets BEFORE she knew she was getting one. Geez people...

I don't understand how everyone thinks Pandora bracelets are,'creative'. Sorry to burst the happy little bubble about a ridiculously expensive ugly bracelet, but it IS cliche. How about actually putting some thought into a gift? (The charms aren't creative either. I don't know why people think anything premade is creative on your part) Making someone a gift is much better than just buying them a hunk of metal that has no actual value besides what society places on it because, ermahgerd guyzzzz it's gold/silver. Am I the only girl who would rather not hang shiny stuff off herself like a friggin Christmas tree?

I don't understand how everyone thinks Pandora bracelets are,'creative'. Sorry to burst the happy little bubble about a ridiculously expensive ugly bracelet, but it IS cliche. How about actually putting some thought into a gift? (The charms aren't creative either. I don't know why people think anything premade is creative on your part) Making someone a gift is much better than just buying them a hunk of metal that has no actual value besides what society places on it because, ermahgerd guyzzzz it's gold/silver. Am I the only girl who would rather not hang shiny stuff off herself like a friggin Christmas tree?

Laurenlou 24

77- I agree with you about the Pandora bracelet; I don't like them either. Jewelry can be a great gift on Christmas. While it is cliche, it's also very romantic. If OP doesn't like jewelry at all; and some people don't, that's totally fine; her boyfriend would have either noticed or knew already. OP just sounds like an ungreatful brat to me, not someone who doesn't like jewelry.

84- Yeah I may be a little biased on this currently. My boyfriend is well aware I hate, hate hate hate, jewelry, and still proceeded to buy me a necklace after I told him a hundred times not to. (Lol I'm not trying to be ungrateful in saying I wish he'd bought something else, I just wish he didn't spend money on something I don't want). Now I have to wear a heart around my neck instead of my usual 'the one ring' on a chain. :'(

Exactly what I was going to say. Good call!

Laurenlou 24

87- You're not ungrateful. Especially if you asked your boyfriend multiple times not to et you jewelry. This doesn't sound like OP's case at all. Although, we wouldn't really know!

peachesncreem 21

78 - Not everyone thinks Pandora bracelets are 'creative' or gets them for that reason. My sister bought me one when our cousin died and got me an angel charm to represent him. Each of my charms have a meaning behind them. It's not just a fashion statement for some people.

You don't know what cliche means do you... cliche means that it is a thought, idea, theme, et cetera that has been overused to the point of losing its original value. I dont believe anyone thinks that it has lost its original value, i.e. it's still decorative, still costomizable, still a "pretty" metal bracelet. Itjust happens to be more common place than it used to be.

I think OP deserved it. Sometimes when girls want something from their boyfriend... They would mention it but then say "oh it's not like I really want it", making them sound like they don't want it but they actually do. Get my drift? Maybe the boyfriend thought of it that way?

87- wear both? And the jewelry does have value to it. The thought of someone who wanted to spend far too much money on you for something not nearly worth it. Like Nicki Manaj concert tickets.

I never use to like pandora bracelets until my long term boyfriend got me mine. He had gone to the store, spent time choosing charms that had meaning and I would like. I think it is extremely thoughtful, and greatly appreciate that he's spent a lot of money on me. Some people need to be thankful that they have people who care, and are willing to spend their pay check on someone other than themselves.

kotana191 8

Today, as my girlfriend and I were exchanging Christmas presents, she began ranting about how pointless and cliched Pandora bracelets are, and how she would never spend that kind of money on a stupid charm. I got her a Pandora bracelet. FML

iarefatal 9

More like f his life, I'm sure she still feels bad though.

Poor guy! People worry their significant other wont like the present and instead of 'I'd appreciate anything you'd get me' he got that. F his life.

It's not as if it was intentional, she didn't know that's what her Christmas present was.

I give the guy major credit for still having the balls to give her the present and not regift something last minute and return the gift and get something else. The bracelet was from the heart and has mo meaning to it that the price tag

Is it me, or was there another post like this except OP was talking about teddy bears?

Never, ever, ever badmouth something before you open your presents; this is what happens when you do. Murphy's law.

KingCeltic77 18

You should've told him before Christmas, to drop him hints before he got you it, not just insult his present.

She did tell him before she got the present, your argument is invalid.

KingCeltic77 18

My argument isn't invalid. I meant drop hints way before Christmas before he actually decided to buy it for her.

It could have been just a random offhand comment she made after seeing a commercial for it. Besides, most people drop hints about things they actually want, not things they DON'T want. I do feel bad for him, of course, but I think people are placing a little too much blame on her. It's just an unfortunate coincidence.

How could you have possibly known that that's what he was going to get you? Bad timing there OP.

Well now you're lucky if he ever gives you anything again.

I wonder what OPs face looked like was when she opened it.... I'm going with the "Oh Shit" look.

I'm with you OP, pandora bracelets are stupid and the charms are ridiculously expensive.

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Well you don't want to always get someone something that looks like everything else they own. He probably wanted to get her something different so it actually stood out from her other jewlery.

peachesncreem 21

They may be stupid to you but some people actually like them. My charms all have special meaning behind them. They each were given to me & represent someone special to me.

saIty 17

You owe him a legend.. wait for it ... ary *******

You owe Barney a legen... wait for it... dary apology for screwing this one up.

BellaBelle_fml 23

I was waiting for the last part of your comment with antici…pation!