By lovewedge - 09/03/2009 00:25 - United States

Today, I was so drunk that my friends put me to bed during a party. Later I find out that while I was passed out two of my friends came in and had sex while I was in the same bed. They tried to use me as a prop. Now my friends call me the love wedge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 059
You deserved it 23 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what_the_fuhh 0

damn, that fucken sucks ass dude. sorry


Everyone relax... He knows who did this . xD I'm glad everyone appreciates the nickname . ;D Luckily there wasnt any nakedness, we tried to be discreet about it but we were drunk and he was on our bed, with drunk people passed out everywhere else in the house. Tried to move him... didn't work. Soo.. hey, when life gives you lemons... hahaha. my side hurts from laughing. the love wedge doesn't remember it, and neither of us have STDs (no way he could have caught any..) hahaha! I can't believe I actually found this on FML.. my first time browsing the website and I am responsible for one of them xD "Today, I was casually browsing for the first time, and as I was reading through them I realized that my boyfriend and I were responsible for a particularly questionable and raunchy one. FML"

lauren416 0

At least they gave you a cool nickname.

haha how do you feel being the love wedge you need better friends

you deserved it biatch!! next time don't drink that much you pass out... maybe you can remember a part then, or join while they have sex.. jeez. children........

LOL! That's truly the most hilarious nickname ever. Major PWNAGE.

Hahaha. I've so done that. It's awesome. Hahaha.

LMAO. Wow... Your friends sound hilarious... But for some reason, this makes me think of necrophilia... Eww! FYL, Love Wedge, FYL.

i'd b SO pissed off!and punched the dude in the face if i found that out>