By asdfasdf - 03/03/2009 15:38 - United States

Today, I was sitting beside this cute guy on a bench. Suddenly, he goes, "I know we don't know each other very well, but would you like to have dinner on Saturday?" I turn to him with a goofy smile, and exclaim "I'D LOVE TO!" He gives me a weird look, turns his head and points to his Bluetooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 915
You deserved it 22 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those bluetooth things are so annoying! One guy had one while standing next to me at a urinal. Imagine my suprise when he said "I'll come in a minute"..


Those bluetooth things are so annoying! One guy had one while standing next to me at a urinal. Imagine my suprise when he said "I'll come in a minute"..

1- agreed. I hate walking or being by people who have them, it makes you look like a complete fool when you respond to them. Especially when you carry on a convo with them the whole time lol

Fakebuster_fml 0

Faaaaake. Let me get this straight, you sit down next to a guy, who you think is talking to himself. All of a sudden, without talking to you at all beforehand, just himself, he asks you out to dinner, and your first response is YES!!!!! FAAAAAAAAAAAAKE

Really, #2? He could have made a call and went with that right off the bat. Are you *really* going to dub yourself 'fakebuster' and go around doing this?

bruisedghosts 0

Heck, as long as it's entertaining (and this one is), who cares if it's fake? I don't really feel it's my purpose in life to analyze FML.

CowGoesMoo 0

I think it sounds kind of fake too. Well, half the things on here do. But you know what they say, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction...

LameKara 0

Haha the people that think it's fake have obviously never encountered someone with a bluetooth. It's very easy to think they're suddenly talking to you if their voice changes volume or tone.

fcuk_mylife 0

sounds fake.. and i sort of hope for your own sake that this is fake, because i'm sure you looked stupid as hell. regardless, i HATE bluetooths. people look ******* stupid with them in.

lollipop217 0

This is not fake, I did the same answering back to my friend I thought was talking to me, and then they turn around to show me they were on bluetooth, gets me everytime... I have to say this is a good one.